Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Andy: "fogunk télen Írországban játszani" - újabb elpöttyintett infó egy esetleges (?) téli európai turnészakaszról!

2017. április 20. - Szigi.

Depeche Mode will play Ireland on the winter leg of their 'Spirit' tour later this year, according to reports.

The Essex trio are touring new album 'Spirit' throughout the year, but with no Irish date yet announced, fans were left speculating on whether Dave Gahan and co. would play a date on our shores at all.

However, according to Hot Press, keyboardist Andrew Fletcher says that they will be here later in the year (or perhaps early in 2018), with the winter leg of their tour announced around June.

“Yeah, we’re playing Ireland in the winter tour,” he said.. “I don’t know when details of that’ll be announced. It’d be around June, I would have thought. The last gig was just absolutely fantastic, and we also played Belfast as well. Dublin is always a good crowd.”

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