Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

A Release magazin szokásos tévedésekkel teli írása a Memento Moriról.

2023. április 16. - Szigi.

A Release magazin élvezetes írása a Memento Mori albumról, két komoly tévedéssel. (nem a Wagging Tongue az első Dave és Martin által közösen írt albumdal, valamint Charlotte's Monkey? :D ) A Spirit-kritikájukban meg Kurt Uenalát képzelték bele a Soulsavers formációba...   Itt a cikk.


A remek Spirit-kritikája, habár Kurt Uenala nem a Soulsavers tagja

“Spirit”, the 14th studio album from Depeche Mode consists of a dozen tracks produced by Depeche Mode and James Ford in Santa Barbara and New York. Preceding the album was the single “Where’s the Revolution”, which for me was a bit of a let down melody-wise. It was also the first single release…


A írása a Where's The Revolution kislemezről

"For the last 30 or so years I have always had a tingling sensation of anticipation the days before a new Depeche Mode release. For some reason I didn’t this time. I’m not sure why, I have been let down previously but “Delta Machine” was quite enjoyable.Anyhow, a few minutes after midnight on…


A alaposan leszedi a keresztvizet Anton Corbijn-ról

Depeche Mode’s first “Spirit” single “Where’s the Revolution” will be released tomorrow, on February 3. Details on physical releases, possible remixes or B-sides remain unrevealed. “Where’s the Revolution” is the first single from their forthcoming 14th studio album “Spirit”, which will be released…


Delta Machine (

I’ve been trying my best to forgive and forget “Sounds of the Universe”. In some ways I do pity Depeche Mode a bit. After all; pretty much every single fan consider that album to be the definitive all time low regarding the group’s output. Now, the elders are back with “Delta Machine”…

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