Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

"Meghallgattuk a Spirit-et: súlyos!" - még egy recenzió a belga pre-listening partyról

2017. február 08. - Szigi.

"We listened to "Spirit", the 14th album of Depeche Mode: It is heavy

Tuesday afternoon, some Belgian journalists were able to listen to "Spirit", Depeche Mode's 14th album. The group mixed electro grooves with heavy sounds, as already heard on Delta Machine. We left with some sort of KO.

SONY scheduled a listening session at the Syndsound Studio in Laeken, run by ex-Telex member Dan Lacksman this Monday afternoon for a dozen journalists from the north and south of the country to listen exclusively to Depeche Mode's new album "Spirit". As in every case, the press representatives were asked to leave any recording equipment at the room entrance. They also had to sign a NDA contract allowing that one can speak about the album only in general terms until February 21, without naming any song titles, except the single Where's the Revolution, that was released last week and that we're expecting the video for the coming days.

Keeping these constraints in mind, we will try to give you our opinion on the band's 14th album composed by Martin Gore, Dave Gahan and Andy Fletcher.

What is certain is that Depeche Mode delivers a heavy sound mixed with a vintage touch sometimes, which is not unpleasant. This is what stands out after hearing the 12 pieces that make up the disc.

James Ford (drummer of The Last Shadow Puppets, member of Simian Mobile Disco and producer for several albums of the Arctic Monkeys and the fabulous Florence and The Machine) did a good job.

Spirit is an album with a heavy sound, oppressing almost from start to end. "It's great to be able to listen to this album under such conditions," says Dan Lacksman. "It is a magnificent work, one can feel all the nuances brought by the sound engineer. By these conditions made for the listening session, we can realize the limits of the CD."

Dave Gahan's deep voice has not faded a bit and is still hypnotizing. Some lyrics speak of a break in love, but we found - which is not common at the British band - lyrics that talk about the spirit of the times with a certain commitment in the subject (like the single Where's The Revolution).

As usual, the cover is designed by Anton Cobijn. The disc will be available on CD, deluxe CD set (with a second disc containing five remixes) and also a vinyl set. It will be out on 17th March. Then Depeche Mode will take the road for a European tour which will start on May 5th in Stockholm and will include a show at the Sportpaleis in Antwerp on Thursday, May 9th (sold out)."

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