Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

A Heaven háttérvetítése a turnéról

2013. augusztus 27. - Szigi.

Jobb, mint a klip.


"A Depeche Mode továbbra is masszívan dönget" (

Depeche Mode fans, as the songs says, just can’t get enough of the British electro-rock troupe - especially when it only tours every three years or so. But they certainly got their fill on Thursday night when the group opened the North American leg of its Delta Machine Tour at the DTE Energy…


"A Depeche Mode nem tud betelni Detroittal" (

In 1989, Depeche Mode came to Detroit to hang out with Derrick May and Juan Atkins, having heard that the duo had been mixing the band’s songs into their sets at clubs like the Music Institute. David Gahan, Martin Gore and the boys tentatively ventured over from Essex, on the outskirts of London,…


"A Depeche Mode Delta Machine-ja megérkezett Észak-Amerikába egy nyers detroiti koncerttel" (

As Depeche Mode's Delta Machine Tour arrived in North America -- with a 21-song opening salvo on Thursday night at the DTE Energy Music Theatre in suburban Detroit -- Martin Gore said the group is taking an "if it's not broke, don't fix it" attitude towards the show. After spending three…

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