Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Angelinda megszerezte a Sonic Seducer-ből a teljes Anton interjút (HOME fórum)

2014. december 03. - Szigi.

Forrás: (forrás/fordítás: Angelinda -…


Utoljára foglalkozunk Anton Corbijnnal a Live In Berlin DVD kapcsán, de ez az interjú még muszáj (Sonic Seducer)

German magazine Sonic Seducer has published their December issue this Friday, and it features an interview with Dutch director Anton Corbijn about his work on the new Depeche Mode DVD “Live In Berlin”. As you probably know by now, there is much ado about the format and quality of the DVD in the…


Once again with soul - Soulsavers vs. Depeche Mode (Sonic Seducer magazin)

Large-scale world tour, the spectacular new album "Delta Machine" - in the recently ended previous year, Depeche Mode were as omnipresent as they were busy. It was almost forgotten that frontman Dave Gahan had released a record in 2012 with the British Soulsavers called "The Light The Dead See" with…

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