Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

"Depeche Mode: még mindig sötét és elképesztően népszerű" (

2013. szeptember 08. - Szigi.

Synth-pop began 30 years ago as a soundtrack for the cynical. The Eurythmics divided the world into those who want to abuse and those who want to be abused (“Sweet Dreams”). Soft Cell saluted porn theaters and sexual fetishes (“Seedy Films,” “Sex Dwarf”), while the Pet Shop Boys offered…


Brooklyn, New York: zsinórban negyedszer ugyanaz a setlist

Welcome to My WorldAngelWalking In My ShoesPreciousBlack CelebrationPolicy of TruthShould Be HigherBarrel of a GunThe Child InsideBut Not TonightHeavenSoothe My SoulA Pain That I'm Used ToA Question Of TimeEnjoy The SilencePersonal JesusHomeHaloJust Can't Get EnoughI Feel YouNever Let Me Down Again


"A Depeche Mode az utolsó koncertjét adja a Jones Beachen ebben a szezonban" (

Having survived drugs, disease, infighting and '80s haircuts, Depeche Mode continues to build an electronic-rock body of work on the consistency level of U2. For 33 years, beginning with hits such as "Just Can't Get Enough" and "Personal Jesus," the band has hyper-polished its formula -- Dave…


A torontoi koncert külön bejegyzést ért a Home-on (

The North American tour made true on its “North” title with its first stop in Canada Sunday night at the Molson Canadian Amphitheatre, a venue directly on the shore of Lake Ontario. This is one of the few stops on the tour where you could dock your yacht next to the venue. To add colour to the…

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