Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Egy személyes beszámoló még a brooklyni koncertről, and And Then blogról (

2013. október 03. - Szigi.

Depeche Mode did not disappoint in any respect, but the crowd did not deliver beyond the band's biggest hits. On September 6, the Mode Machine descended upon Brooklyn, NY for their sixth stop in the North American Delta Machine tour. I flew out from California for both New York shows to meet up…


Los Angeles harmadik este: Dave mégiscsak beteg lehetett eddig, mert visszakerült a Halo és az I Feel You is.

Ezenkívül viszont az a meglepetés, hogy nincs meglepetés. Fura, hogy még Martin sem variált (Only When I Lose Myself, When The Body Speaks, Somebody még simán befért volna) Welcome to My WorldAngelWalking In My ShoesPreciousBlack CelebrationPolicy of TruthShould Be HigherBarrel of a GunThe…


Egy beszámoló a los angelesi első estéről (

. Looking at the clock, it was 6pm and I was still waiting to be wheeled back to the ER after my ultrasound because there were rumors that there might be tumors (and I’m only rhyming this to make me less uncomfortable). At this point, normal people would only be concerned about their health,…


"Depeche Mode, Los Angeles, 2013. szeptember 29." (

Last night, as Depeche Mode pummeled through an exhilarating set that had the entire crowd grooving along; we couldn't help but be reminded of that historic 50th Anniversary show from the world's greatest rock n' roll band this past spring in the same arena. Depeche Mode's Delta Machine Tour marks…

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