Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Ha már Music For The Masses-éra: egy érdekes Never Let Me Down Again-elemzés (

2015. március 10. - Szigi.

Reader Ron West asked for a little bit of Depeche Mode for a song analysis, so here's "Never Let Me Down Again," a fan favorite. The 1987 release was the band's 19th UK single, and was top 10 throughout Europe. The song is from their Music For The Masses album, Depeche Mode's 6th release. As with…


25 éves évforduló közeleg: egy cikk a Violator készítéséről (

Violator marked a new approach for Depeche Mode, and paved the way for both the band’s future and that of electronic music production. Andy Price will make you a believer… The Tracks 1. World in My Eyes 2. Sweetest Perfection 3. Personal Jesus 4. Halo 5. Waiting for the Night 6. Enjoy the…

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