Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Martin nem akar többé szintetizátorokról beszélni - A interjúja

2015. május 16. - Szigi.

Martin Gore has been making music for the greater part of 35 years. His band, Depeche Mode, released their first record in 1981, and the new wave craze catapulted them into the mainstream for the rest of the decade and beyond. Despite being one of the highest-selling artists of all time, Depeche…


A Depeche Mode alapítótag Martin Gore új lemeze (

Essex-born musician Martin Gore is a founding member of Depeche Mode. His second solo album, MG, is out now.He chats to GO! about working a lot, working alone and working towards a new sound.You're having a day at home today?Yes, I'm in Santa Barbara, and I will likely be going to the studio…

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