Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Halo - egy csodálatos könyv jelenik meg jövő tavasszal!

2019. március 19. - Szigi.

Jövő tavasszal, a Violator kiadásának 30. évfordulóján egy könyv fog megjelenni HALO - THE STORY BEHIND DEPECHE MODE'S CLASSIC ALBUM VIOLATOR címmel, amely a Violator készítésének a körülményeiről és kulisszatitkairól fog szólni. A könyvet Kevin May és az almostpredictablealmost1 blog szerzője,…


"Új hangok, körös-körül" - David remek írása az új kiadványokról az almostpredictablealmost1 blogról

My 12" boxsets Last Friday, Depeche Mode released the first two of what will be a series of boxsets of 12" singles. As you might expect, the first two contained the Speak & Spell and A Broken Frame 12" singles with the Speak & Spell boxset containing a couple of nice surprises.Each…


Új Breathing In Fumes podcast, David McElroy-jal!

David McElroy nem más, mint a nagyszerű almostpredictablealmost1 blog szerzője. A kötetlen beszélgetés során sok mindenről szó esik, többek között arról, hogy kinek hogy alakult ki a Depeche Mode-rajongása, ki milyen formátumot gyűjt, és hogy kinek mi a legkedvesebb és a legkevésbé kedvenc koncertje…


Az Almostpredictablealmost blog írása a londoni koncertről

In 1993, I was at Crystal Palace for Depeche Mode's first ever stadium show in the U.K. It was my first Depeche concert and I can still recall the near frenzied atmosphere that greeted the band and persisted throughout the show. Nearly 24 years later, the band played their second U.K. stadium show…


Beszámoló a budapesti koncertről, a zseniális almostpredictablealmost1 blogról!

Today's review is part 2 of Rachel Blackman's double header. Will her luck change from Bratislava? Will she stay dry? Will she get to see Everything Counts? Ok, if you know the setlist by now, you know the answer to that last one. Anyway, over to Rachel and thank you very much again to her for…


A Depeche Mode energikus formában - vendégszerző az almostpredictablealmost blogon

Welcome to the second in the series of the Global Spirit Tour reviews and the first by one of a series of guest reviewers. Kevin May is a UK based journalist who usually writes about the travel industry and technology. He is also well known to Depeche Mode fans as the author of the forthcoming book…


"Almostpredictablealmost" David beszámolója a Stockholmi koncertről

The Global Spirit Tour kicked off tonight in Stockholm in fine style, with Depeche Mode putting on a display that matched the energy that runs through the wonderful Spirit, creating a set list that not only saw the new songs fit in seamlessly, but one which also breathed life into a seemingly…


És a B-oldalasokon kívül mit adott a Depeche Mode nekünk? - az almostpredictablealmost1 élvezetes áttekintése

Ah, the b-side. Back when singles were singles and not just digital downloads, bands were pretty much morally obliged to give away an additional song as the b-side of the single. Some bands took this seriously (The Smiths for example) and others tried their best (REM for one). Just like those two…


More Than A Party - az almostpredictablealmost blog beszámolója a glasgow-i koncertről

Where do I start? It's very hard to put last night into words. Depeche Mode simply don't play venues like the Barrowlands but for one night only they did. Thanks to BBC 6 Music,  Depeche Mode took over Glasgow and I can say that I was there, I was a part of it. I'll never experience anything like…


Reconstruction Time Again - az AlmostPredictableAlmost blog kitűnő Spirit-kritikája

I reviewed Spirit last week for XS Noize and did so having listened to the album twice in quick succession, basing my review on early impressions of the record. Obviously, being the person I am, it takes a lot for my first impression of any new Depeche material to be anything other than rapturous,…

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