Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Egy 1985-ös Depeche Mode Best Of lemez, amin nincs rajta az Everything Counts és a People Are People, de rajta van a Flexible?

2018. november 11. - Szigi.

Egy 1985-ös Depeche Mode Best Of lemez, amin nincs rajta az Everything Counts és a People Are People, de rajta van a Flexible? Imádnivaló! :D Ma 33 éves a CATCHING UP WITH DEPECHE MODE!  


És a B-oldalasokon kívül mit adott a Depeche Mode nekünk? - az almostpredictablealmost1 élvezetes áttekintése

Ah, the b-side. Back when singles were singles and not just digital downloads, bands were pretty much morally obliged to give away an additional song as the b-side of the single. Some bands took this seriously (The Smiths for example) and others tried their best (REM for one). Just like those two…

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