Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Interjú-nagyüzem - ezúttal Andy és Martin állt a mikrofonok elé

2017. március 25. - Szigi.


Dave Gahan sztorizgat a Depeche Mode legnagyobb slágereiről - az remek cikke

ANTON CORBIJN With his glass-cut jawline, gleaming black leather, and thousand-yard stare, Dave Gahan looks like a man it would be a mistake to mess with: part gothic rock star, part dark-arts assassin sent through the Matrix to take down music journalists who ask dumb questions. But…


Kurt Uenala-interjú a HOME-on

Kurt Uenala, long time Depeche Mode-collaborator, is releasing his new single under the moniker Null+Void this week. We caught up with him in Paris where he’s currently on tour with Depeche Mode. The single, “Asphalt Kiss”, is a brooding, menacing electro track; a departure from Kurt’s former alter…


Az interjúja Martinnal - a HOME Fórumosok fordítása

You have presented your new album "Spirit" in Berlin in a very intimate setting - intimate for the audience, but also for you. How was it for you?Martin Gore: In such an intimate setting, in which people are so close to one, is actually also strange for us. And so it was a bit odd for us, as it was…


Egy újabb Matrixxman-interjú

"Interview with Charles Duff (MATRIXXMAN) – keyboard programmer for Depeche Mode’s new album – „Spirit” „Sure thing” Charles said to us, when we poke him once upon time via Twitter asking for the interview. And this is it! Karolleks doing the inteview with Matrixxman brings us behind the curtain…


A banda mégis lenyom jónéhány dalt Párizsban is!

Volt már egy Where's The Revolution és egy interjú; most pedig éppen a koncert zajlik, ahol éppen a Corrupt-ot nyomják a fiúk. Akinek esetleg akadozna a stream, és megelégszik a "csak hang"-gal, akkor annak szívből ajánljuk az alábbi linket!

süti beállítások módosítása