Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Live On Letterman - Martin interjú

2013. április 17. - Szigi.


Összefoglaló egy német nyelvű Martin-interjúról

He says they don´t want to tour without a new album, because it would bore them. He goes jogging a lot, plays soccer and visits the gym often. The album-cover is a picture taken from the window of the studio and he thought it was a big surprise that he let out. If they stay healthy and have fun…


Az austini koncert setlistje...

...amelyben kiderül, hogy a pár cikkel előbb említett Martin által énekelt dal az Only When I Lose Myself. 15 éve nem játszott dal, jó hír! Az meg még inkább, hogy nem akusztikus, vagy zongorás verzióban hallottuk a dalt, hanem teljes hangszereléssel! 15 March 2013 - Austin, Texas…


Információdömping egy BBC 6 Music interjúban

"Advice to bands: "You’ve got to get out there. Play as much as you can… Build a fanbase." — Dave Gahan "We played in Eastern Europe during the Iron Curtain, which is probably why we’re still so popular there."Jackie from Boston, a “woman of a certain age” (her words): "Thanks for the…


Martin beszél a Long Time Lie keletkezéséről

'Question: Until now, the only song you have written with Dave Gahan is 'Oh Well'. Why are you so evasive of this kind of collaboration?Martin: There is yet another track, it's called "Long Time Lie" and will be put on the deluxe version of Delta Machine. This track was truly written together, as…

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