Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Dave sokat beszél: a démoni napok végéről és a színpadról, mint szentséges helyről

2015. október 29. - Szigi.

Dave Gahan talks a lot. A lot. Sitting in a hotel room in New York’s Meatpacking district—a city he’s lived in for 18 years—the 53 year old digresses frequently, his words almost trying to catch up his thoughts as they form, one after another after another. But then again, he has a lot to…


Dave fél a haláltól a rákja óta (

Depeche Mode star Dave Gahan has opened up about his frightening cancer battle and recalled how he told his wife he feared he was dying at the height of the health scare.   The singer fell ill in May, 2009 in the dressing room of a venue in Athens, Greece shortly before the band was…

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