Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes


2017. május 05. - Szigi.

Nem meglepő módon itt van Dave csodálatos szerzeménye is! Vajon mekkora ugrálás lesz a végén? :)


"Miért depresszív a zenétek? - tényleg béna ez a kérdés!" bőbeszédű Dave-interjú a oldalon!

The Depeche Mode singer on crappy gigs, addiction and escaping death... twice Words by David Zammitt Photos by Anton Corbijn Dave Gahan is stationed in the basement of the swanky Bulgari Hotel in Knightsbridge. As I wait outside his room in music journalist purgatory, waiting for an interview…


Where's The Revolution? - itt a The Late Late Show-s felvétel!

Magyar idő szerint ma hajnalban lépett színpadra a Depeche Mode a  The Late Late Show with James Cordon keretein belül. A banda a Where's The Revolution-t játszotta el. Holnapután hajnalban újabb, ezúttal teljes értékű fellépés Hollywoodban, a "Special Thank You Show"!


Andy: "fogunk télen Írországban játszani" - újabb elpöttyintett infó egy esetleges (?) téli európai turnészakaszról!

Depeche Mode will play Ireland on the winter leg of their 'Spirit' tour later this year, according to reports. The Essex trio are touring new album 'Spirit' throughout the year, but with no Irish date yet announced, fans were left speculating on whether Dave Gahan and co. would play a date on our…


Semmi vidám nincs a Depeche Mode Spirit-jében - a pozitív (!) ajánlója

10/04/2017 By Steven G. Titley Depeche Mode? ‘No thanks. I mean its New Romantic, isn’t it?’ All synthesizer and drum machine. As Saxon were telling me back in 1981, it was ‘denim and leather’ that ‘brought us all together’ not blouses and leather. My musically-myopic metal obsession passed…


A berlini Telekom Street Gigs volt a legsikeresebb live stream a világon

"Deutsche Telekom sets world record for music12.04.2017/ Deutsche Telekom has reached new dimensions: the exclusive performance of Depeche Mode on the release day of their new album „Spirit“ on March 17th for Telekom Street Gigs was the most successful livestream of a single concert everAround 1.5…


Ötből három csillag - a Spirit-kritikája

(Columbia) UK release date: 17 March 2017 If music is indeed the soundtrack to our times, then Depeche Mode‘s first album for five years is a suitably bleak one. It’s a post-Brexit, Trumpian world now, and Dave Gahan, Martin Gore and Andy Fletcher obviously aren’t too happy about it. Over the…

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