Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Elérte a forradalom Belgiumot - graffitisek taggelnek országszerte!

2017. március 16. - Szigi.


Az Exclaim.Ca Spirit-kritikája

If you've ever wondered what the elegy for the 21st century sounds like, Spirit comes pretty close. Following 2013's Delta Machine, Depeche Mode (Dave Gahan, Martin Gore and Andy Fletcher) return with their 14th studio album, and most politically charged material to date. Spirit, the band's second…


Andy a nehéz időkről és a U2 felállásáról (!) nyilatkozik egy belga napilapnak (

Your previous tour has been the most successful sales-wise after the album Delta Machine which was well received from both the press and the public. Was it a surprise for you? We can not be surprised any longer as our entire career has been so succesful. We see younger fans coming along. We are…


Változik a táj - Dave Gahan a Depeche Mode életunt, kiakadt új albumáról, a Spirit-ről (

Anton Corbijn Depeche Mode Over their nearly four decades together as a band, British synth-rock icons Depeche Mode have released 13 albums, topped the charts on both sides of the Atlantic, toured the world countless times, and garnered enough acclaim and influence to be nominated for the Rock…


Az US Alternative Songs listán negyvenedik helyen nyitott a Where's The Revolution - a cikke

Courtesy Photo A scene from Depeche Mode's video for "Where's the Revolution." The lead single from the band’s upcoming album “Spirit” starts at No. 40, making Depeche Mode one of 16 acts to chart 20 songs on the airplay ranking. Only 16 acts have charted at least 20 songs on Billboard’s…


Az elektronikus zene ikonjai politizálnak a sivár új albumukon - a nincs elragadtatva a Spirit-től

We are the bigots, we have not evolved/we have no respect, we have lost control. That’s the opening line to Going Backwards, the brooding first track off Depeche Mode’s 14th studio album Spirit. Even for a band known for moodiness, it’s an especially dour note. It’s clear the electronic titans are…


"A legjobb a SOFAD óta" - lelkes Spirit-kritikája

Depeche Mode tap into techno and produce their best album in over two decades After a couple of so-so albums in 2009’s Sounds of the Universe and Delta Machine four years later, it would have been easy to look at Depeche Mode as a spent creative force, despite the fact that they’re the last of…

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