Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

"Hiányzik a fiatalságom és a mindennapos részegségem" (Rolling Stone)

2013. április 02. - Szigi.

Do not come to Depeche Mode leader if leaving home with his wife and children. In 2013, delivered new album in July and will be at the Bilbao BBK Live.

It has been a crazy cast in the room. One of those who did not appear. Armed with vinyl Depeche Modeand a digital camera but old. Gahan or wrinkled. It gives everything he asks crazy while waiting for security to intervene pijísimo Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris. When the nightmare ends, shakes my hand. Almost hugs me. This madman has made us a favor. Surviving him has made us stronger. Us together. The interview will go smoothly.

Do you have to endure these situations very often? 
More than I'd like. I can understand some fans outbursts in a teenager but an adult? I still remain a fan of Bowie, was not sure he wanted to break that barrier and meet you personally. Finally we agreed in New York and it was lovely.

At least New York will help you go unnoticed. 
It takes the phenomenon fan, yes. But there are people of other sites for you down the street. It's something that I live. Except when I'm with my kids or my wife. That it does not. Or when I wait on the doorstep. That is already too close.

Any plight of those in recent times? 
So walking here in Paris yesterday my wife and I noticed that a car was following us slowly. The guy went well for a while and when he finally got out and asked me a photo I said no. That this is no way to get close to anyone.

Apart from incidents, how about Paris? I do not quite like. 
But that's not the city's fault. It is the fault of the Parisians. The bad vibes you perceive are his. Dude, give it up because you'll never be at the level of Parisian. Or so they think. They have nothing to do with the rest of the French.

Same with New Yorkers. 
Exactly, New Yorkers are not Americans. They have a different attitude to the rest of America. For me it is a privilege to contribute fifteen years living there. I am grateful to be able afford to have a house in that city.

Come on. It will not be that bad. 
It's a wonderful place. An inspiring and exciting site. My best music I've done in New York. Every day I go to a studio that I have only ten minutes from home. Compose, and sometimes I play something clean.Other nothing happens, but you have to be there every day just in case.

Just as you would do well out occasionally.

 [Laughs] I go to movies and museums. I love walking by walking, aimlessly. Request a slice of pizza and people watching. Or go to my favorite cafe in the West Village. I do not want be tedious, but New York is an amazing city. You can not fight it and expect to win.

Have famous neighbors like you? 
The celebrities are part of the landscape. There was a time when I was always Kevin Bacon because we lived next door. His brother was working in my studio. But no one gives any importance to that. In addition, this past year I more than social life I have given to the new disk.

Have you already decided on the title? 
We toyed with several options but I can not be moving very far from the group name. A sort of pun. When people see it will say "Oh, okay."

You look very zen. Do not miss the wild tours? 
Not done anything less than that time. Well, apart from being young and carefree and power drunk every night and do those things that when you get older you can not, because of old out very expensive.

You've gone and gotten a hundred times in the music business. How do you maintain the illusion? 
It's easy. Now I have to prove anything to anyone. Only myself. I constantly challenge. I'm my worst critic.That is what makes you keep the passion for my work after all this time. My only goal is to maintain creativity and action at the highest level.

Look, before I wanted to show you something [the actor Sergi Lopez singing 'Enjoy the Silence']. 
[Laughter] Map of the Sounds of Tokyo? What is it? Are you in a karaoke? Ah, it's a movie scene. I know this actor. Aggressive characters often do, right?. The scene reminds me of Bill Murray singing More Than This by Roxy Music in Lost in Translation. I love that movie. I have to do this. That says that the director Isabel Coixet is how? OK.

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