Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

A vadállat még nem halt meg bennem - német interjú Dave-vel

2013. április 02. - Szigi.

Heart attack, suicide attempt, heroin overdose, bladder cancer - "Depeche Mode" legend Dave Gahan (50) is broken on the success of almost. Now he celebrates his new life. With new album, world tour. It is the comeback of the year!

BILD meets the superstar (100 million albums sold) for an interview in Paris.He is wearing black shirt, black pants, black shoes. On his left ring finger shines a silver skull ring. Gahan: "He reminds me about it every day how precious life is."

BILD: Mr. Gahan, how did you survive?

Dave Gahan: "Spirit! The battle against heroin and alcohol is the hardest of my life. I almost had to die in order to learn, to love life. "

BILD: Did you beat the addiction now?

Gahan: "For 15 years I have not taken any drugs. I'm not. No bars. No clubs. Fearing myself The wild animal in me is not dead yet"

BILD: After they were clean, the cancer was released in 2009 ...

Gahan: "I'm running to the hospital every six months. 'm Afraid that he'll be back. But I have this healing power, hides me like a lizard. "

BILD: How does the skinned Dave Gahan?

Gahan: "I run every day, do yoga. I have the blood pressure of a 15-year-olds. I'm healthy, happy! "

BILD: Last moment of happiness?

Gahan: "When I took my 13 year old daughter lubricated the lunchbox. The older I get, the more I appreciate the simple things in life."

BILD: How does it feel now to get back on big world tour?

Gahan: "It is such a powerful feeling to stand on the stage. To feel that energy of 60,000 fans. This is something more than human. I feel it like a ringmaster in a large colorful arena. "

BILD: Can you stand the success now?

Gahan: "After every show I am exhilarated totally can not sleep for hours. I used to drink then started taking drugs. In order to cope with these crazy emotions after a show. Eventually I got to the point that I've seen that drugs are an illusion. They will not help. I was numb I no longer wanted to feel the real life. "

BILD: How does the real life today?

Gahan: "It is exciting without drug because I now remember on things. Now I wake up in the morning and know what happened the night before. Sometimes I do not want to remember though. I now no longer the buffer between me and life. "

BILD: your life philosophy?

Gahan: "Nothing in life is predictable. You have to enjoy every second. Today I am grateful that my life is rich. That my wife, my three children still accept me."

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