Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Martin, Simon Cowell és Vince

2013. április 02. - Szigi.

Egy kis villongás Martin és Simon Cowell között, illetve Vince bájos vallomása.

"Martin Gore is quoted as saying that Simon Cowell "should be shot" and Cowell responded on Twitter by calling Martin "weirdo", probably in Cowell's world, the most serious accusation can be directed at anyone, is calling them "goth" or "student .
- Ah. I think in and of itself that Martin is a "weirdo" ... Haha. But I'm not particularly fond of the X Factor and the like. It would be interesting if there was a program of this type, such as was to write songs instead of just doing cover songs. Not that these people do not have talent, because they are obviously talented in most cases, but the music is so rectified. It is rare that someone expresses something special or unique.

A while ago, Alan Wilder played live with Depeche Mode and you did the VCMG project with Martin Gore. Could it be that you are guest appearances on each other's records in the future?
- I think not. I'm a big fan of Martin's music, but the chords are very, very complicated, so I can not see that I could jam on his records.""

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