Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Ugyanerről a napról egy Dave-interjú

2013. április 02. - Szigi.

The new album is being produced, the tour dates are available. The British pop band Depeche Mode is back. Paris said singer Dave Gahan (50) with the news agency on motivation, music and politics.

How does Dave Gahan?

Gahan: "I have 16 hours of voice memos on my phone. Sometimes there are little ideas, or I get sent guitar lines. And then I sing directly to the phone. That is why I have all these little pictures.I did not think that there are so many. I'm sure, 15 hours are crap. "

How Depeche Mode motivated after all these years of success?

Gahan: "I still have this desire to be a part of the world, the universe, to be in life.Through music I have a feeling that all this a little closer to. I have opened my horizons much further. This has caused me to get back together with the band and record some songs of mine. "

How did the new album?

Gahan: "Martin (Gore) has sent me his demo material, because he has written some great songs. I then wondered how I find myself purely in these songs. It is always a challenge. "

What songs are on the as yet unnamed album?

Gahan: "We have recorded 20 songs. It may come twelve on the album, the final selection will be difficult. (. 19.10) as Martin and I left the studio on Friday, we said: That was from the beginning to the end of a long journey. As well as songs without hit potential will be there. Because we want to make something that works as a whole piece - like old concept albums. I know that not many people listen to music in this way. "

Who produced the album?

Gahan: "Flood (the producer Mark Ellis) mix the album in London. We've heard a few tracks - and they sound great. He's "Violator" (1990) and "Songs of Faith and Devotion" (1993) produced by us. He knows us. He knows the music. He knows where we come from. He knows what we want with the album. When he first heard the shots, he said: This is a very mature sound for Depeche Mode. And I think he's right. I feel the songs blues influence. This is a strong album. It fits very well with what we have done in the past. "

What makes this great performer on the stage?

Gahan: "For many years I thought that drugs and alcohol would help me to perform and go as an artist to the limit. But then I was at the end just yet. I have grown this year 50, it feels good. I just try to be present and enjoy these great things that have happened to me still in my life. When I'm on stage, I feel like a part of the universe. Music is a crazy thing that makes such a thing. "

Is there a comeback by former band member Alan Wilder?

Gahan: "We have played together for a tour in London. It was fantastic. When he went (1995), which for us was a funny thing. I wish he had not done that, because he had other projects to do as Martin or I - and we keep going back. It enriches us for what we do in the studio. But Alan has evolved. And we have further developed. "

Is elected to the United States - you care?

Gahan: "I've watched the debates (between President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt Romney), only the last one I unfortunately missed. I hope we get four more years of Obama. I think he is a wonderful man, what a job that had to take it there. I think that now everything much more interesting than before, when I was 30. I'll think about it more now. My children do positive things. Maybe not necessarily change anything. But anything that enhances the lives - and not destroyed."

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