Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

További spoilerek a Twitterről

2013. április 03. - Szigi.

Tweets from @RomainBurrel, writer for Rock n Folk and Têtu (Google Translate):
"The new Depeche Mode is mostly a good vintage. We have not finished talking about songs like Soft Touch / Raw Nerve, Slow, Angel, Soothe My Soul ...
A single hearing in the studio. there are things in depth, is the most produced disk since SOFAD."

@RalphusMoorus, from Mixmag:
"Final post of the day: if any Black Swarm members are reading this, I can confirm that 'Delta Machine' is a big, bold beast of a record...
Best line on the DM album is surely on the opening 'Welcome To My World': "leave your tranquillisers at home, we don't need them any more."

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