"A Swedish magazine called "Filter" regularly organize small events. People who the journalists at the magazine consider interesting and fits the magazine, sit down and have a little chat with a small audience. Food is included at the venue, and you order drinks too .
So C. Berg had a little nice talk about the production of Delta Machine, and answered questions from the the audience. I found it really nice. Mostly he talked about modular equipment and his collaboration with Martin Gore.
I was particularily interested in his role. According to him and as heard from many sources, Martins demos for this project have been nearly good enough for making it to the album.
I asked Chris what he really was needed for, he laughed and answered that he sometimes wondered that too. He said that it all comes down to Martins insecurity, that he doesn't think he is enough. Something Chris lovingly redicule. "Martin is maybe the most talented guy I ever worked with, he has an amazing playfulness in the studio, sometimes Ben (Hillier) comes in the studio an says "I want a bassline that sound like this" Then I start to work on it while while Martin comes and goes in and out of the room. After hours he comes up to me and says, why dont you do like this instead? and quickly turning the knobs and voila! Its perfect!
He also told that Martin didn´t own any equipment before SOTU. He didn´t know how to buy. He didn´t even know what ebay was. Now the collection is so huge that he has built a warehouse to himself to contain his collection. It arrives between 1-6 packages with stuff every day.
Moreover he said that Fletch kicks everything of in the morning at the studio and is very involved in the overall structure.
He also says that Dave can be very restless, have hard to sit down and wander around asking when it is time to sing."