Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Delta Machine remix album a láthatáron? (

2014. június 04. - Szigi.

A My Little Universe mix után várható még egy Alone mix is DJedjotronic-tól.

Idézek a Home oldaláról:

Well it looks like a possible remix album of Delta Machine is in the works or just two new remixes… the details aren’t super clear on this one just yet. Either way, some new remixes will be out on June 23rd on Boysnoize via Beatport! More solid info on that as news comes in. Today the site Stereogum had an exclusive premiere of Boys Noize take on “My Little Universe” and I have shared their preview here in case you missed it. An interesting take on one of my favorites from Delta, have a listen for yourself and see what you think of this acid grinder of a remix. If you liked their remix of Personal Jesus, then you’ll be into this one too!

Also it looks like Alone will be remixed by Djedjotronic and I can’t wait to hear that one! For me, personally, I think Alone was single worthy and I’m looking forward to hearing a remix. Like I said, more news as we get it, but enjoy a new remix for now. I’m getting excited to hear more!

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