Oké, tegnap volt 16 éve a The Singles Tour barcelonai koncertje, és a felvételek se túl jók, de mégis itt a helye ennek a válogatásnak. Painkiller, A Question Of Time, Never Let Me Down Again, Just Can't Get Enough!
A Depeche Mode vadonatúj koncertfilmjét a jól bevált harcostárs, Anton Corbijn rendezi, várhatóan az ősszel jelenik meg.
A Depeche Mode tavaly számos országban, városban turnézott a Delta Machine albummal. Ennek a turnénak a vége felé rögzített Anton Corbijn két berlini…
Terrible news: storied Leeds producer Mark Bell has died.
As The Black Dog have confirmed on Twitter, the producer has passed on, although full details of his death have yet to emerge.
A former teenage breakdancer, Bell was one half of seminal Warp Records act LFO – one of the most…
PeterToo-tól idézünk a HOME-ról
"Vague preview from someone who has seen the film:"Berlin" captures the feeling of live Mode better than any concert film they've released so far. It's not polished and slick like "Barcelona" was, not as chaotic as "Milan" was (in parts at least), and nowhere…