Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Dave-interjú a francia RTL2 csatornáról

2015. szeptember 11. - Szigi.

Mathilde: So, when I interviewed Dave Gahan on the phone last night, I asked him the difference between working with Depeche Mode and with Soulsavers.

Dave: I just find that doing the work with Soulsavers makes me very sort of excited about making music, and it gives me a lot of enthusiasm, and a lot of hope for, hopefully, my songwriting, because it gets better. The more you do, the more you work with different people, the more you stretch yourself as an artist, and I like that aspect of it.

Mathilde: [To the other radio host, Raphael Bosse-Platière] Then I asked him about his new album that comes out in October, which will be followed by a tour, including a date at Le Cigale:

Dave: We're playing sort of... we tried to find maybe six or seven venues in the world [of which] we thought that they were interesting to play, and we're gonna do a performance over there at Le Cigale, and this music is very much suited to being in a theatre-like setting. The band is a 10-piece band, we're bringing three gospel singers. We're doing something in Paris, in Milan, London, New York, Los Angeles, Berlin as well. We'll see what happens, but I'm excited about it, because I'm excited to perform these songs, in a cropped setting, and [with] songs also from 'The Light The Dead See', the last album we did, which we did not really perform on tour together.

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