Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Újabb beszámoló a los angeles-i Soulsavers-fellépésről, szintén sok fotóval (

2015. október 23. - Szigi.

Timed around the release of their new album due Friday October 23rd, Angels & Ghosts, the combined forces of Dave Gahan & Soulsavers performed at the intimate Theatre at The Ace Hotel Monday, October 19th. The show, broadcast live online by YAHOO! Music showcased the pairing of the iconic Depeche Mode lead singer along with the English production team, Soulsavers.

The beautiful and cozy 1,400 seat venue in downtown Los Angeles was packed with rabid fans of Depeche Mode, many of who were sporting concert t-shirts from the now 35 year old band. All there to see David Gahan, considered to be one of the greatest front men in music history.

This evening marked the first night of their abbreviated 6 stop tour. No signs of rust or apprehension were apparent for Gahan from the very start of the show. At precisely 9pm, the band and Gahan entered to a dark stage and kicked the night off with “In The Morning” off the 2012 album The Light The Dead See. Playing under muted and hazy light, Gahan was dressed in a casual black button down shirt, black slacks and light blue blazer. In all, 7 songs off their upcoming release were played, including “All Of This And Nothing”— their lead single off the album.

Each tune had a story telling feel, making the evening feel more personal, dark & bluesy. Gahan (roughly 18 months removed from the completion of the last Depeche Mode Delta Machine Tour show) displayed a refreshed and invigorated demeanor. He even had a good chuckle during a quiet moment in-between songs when a fan recommended Gahan play “Personal Jesus”.

The 12 song main set, complete with only Soulsaver collaborative songs led to a four song encore that surprised many. Two songs from his solo work led it off, beginning with “Kingdom” added to the sultry vibe of the evening. “Dirty Sticky Floors” led nicely into two final songs that had everyone on their feet…”Condemnation” and the final song “Walking In My Shoes” were greeted with joy by the sold out crowd. The Depeche Mode classics (both off the 1993 release Songs Of Faith And Devotion) were given a stripped down treatment but had the crowd singing along with Gahan word for word. The 9 piece band and Gahan took a final bow before exiting the stage for a final time.

Just one additional US date (New York on Thursday, October 21st) is scheduled before they head to Europe for four additional shows. It was apparent to everyone in attendance that this was a special show—including Depeche Mode bandmate Martin Gore who was in attendance to support Gahan.

With no new Depeche Mode album due in the immediate future, fans made sure that they took the opportunity to catch Gahan…not knowing when they might see him again live. The concert had an overall feeling of a personal and private event, made even more so by the stunning beauty of the venue and the intense fans that were lucky enough to witness the show.

Setlist:  In The Morning | Shine | You Owe Me | Tempted | Tonight | All Of This And Nothing | Presence Of God | Just Try | Don’t Cry | The Last Time | Take Me Back Home | My Sun   Encore:  Kingdom | Dirty Sticky Floors | Condemnation | Walking In My Shoes

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