Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Egy svéd interjú angolra fordítása, köszönet Ringflower-nek (HOME Fórum)

2016. október 25. - Szigi.

Depeche Mode revealed last week that they return with a new album and a new world tour in 2017. The band's last album, "Delta Machine", was released in 2013 and the subsequent tour lasted well into 2014.

Although it's been a few years since then, the singer Dave Gahan not missed life on the road

- No. It takes an army to produce a Depeche Mode tour and everything that follows such. It is so much planning, it goes beyond just the band, he explains on the phone from Italy.

But now Gahan and the band mates Martin Gore and Andy Fletcher nevertheless feel that it is almost time again. And "Global Spirit tour," which world tour should be called, begins thus in Sweden with a concert at the Friends Arena outside Stockholm, May 5

- We were looking for a place to start, where we also could scratch the production and then appeared this opportunity up thanks to Thomas Johanson (the concert promoter Live Nation), says Dave Gahan.

It also means that Depeche Mode will spend a lot of time in Stockholm this spring to hone his stage show.

- There will be a few weeks before we make the first gig. But we feel it is a perfect city for us and it is also a bit different from what we have done before, says Dave Gahan.

Depeche Mode also has a long and tight relationship with the Swedish fans

- Yes, from the beginning of the 80's and it has only grown with the years. We made one of our first TV appearances in Sweden, we were in something bad TV shows ( "The Monday Stock Exchange," 1982), remembers Dave Gahan.

In our will also be the band's new album 'Spirit'. No official release date is not yet available, but according to Dave Gahan's plan it will be released "in late March."

- I would say that we know which songs will end up on the disc. Now we just need to finalize them and it's not entirely clear yet, he says.

Otherwise, he does not want to reveal much about how the album sounds. It is clear, however, that Depeche Mode has changed producer after three albums with Ben Hillier. "Spirit" is produced instead of Simian Mobile Disco member James Ford, who has previously worked with, among others, the Arctic Monkeys, Mumford & Sons, Klaxons and Florence and the Machine.

- I felt it was time for something new, you have to make creative changes for it to continue to be challenging and interesting. James Ford is a completely different kind of producer, he wants to work a lot faster than what we are accustomed. He goes in again and spontaneous ideas rather than to cave down into individual sounds, says Dave Gahan"

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