Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

"A hatalmas érdeklődés miatt a Depeche Mode kiterjeszti a turnéját" - az lelkesedése

2016. október 25. - Szigi.

The synth pop legends have taken to Facebook to announce further shows. Unless you’ve been living under some kind of non-musical rock for the past week, it probably hasn’t escaped your attention that Depeche Mode have a new record, Spirit, out in Spring 2017, and they will be embarking on a massive…


Egy svéd interjú angolra fordítása, köszönet Ringflower-nek (HOME Fórum)

Depeche Mode revealed last week that they return with a new album and a new world tour in 2017. The band's last album, "Delta Machine", was released in 2013 and the subsequent tour lasted well into 2014.Although it's been a few years since then, the singer Dave Gahan not missed life on the road- No.…


"Talán az lenne a halálunk, ha azonnal felismerhetőek lennénk" - DM interjú (

Depeche Mode have sold 100 million albums and play the Olympic Stadium next June, but they still see themselves as a cult band, they tell David Smyth DAVID SMYTH Friday 14 October 2016 0 comments Home and away: the band have 31 shows planned in Europe but only one in the…


Depeche Mode: "a kémiánk minden alkalommal újrateremtődik" - a HOME Fórum angolra fordított egy olasz nyelvű interjút

Depeche Mode are in Milan for a few days. They meet us in a city hotel, after the International Press Conference of Tuesday 11 October during which they announced their new album “Spirit” and the European dates of the “Global Spirit Tour”. And exactly like two days ago, their fans follow them…


Ma 12 éves a nagy neveket felvonultató DM remixalbum, a Remixes 81-04!

Ma 12 éve jelent meg a Depeche Mode első remixlemeze, a Remixes 81-04. A háromlemezes kiadványon az első két korong a régi kedvenceké volt, míg a harmadikon korábban részben kiadatlan különlegességek, részben pedig új mixek voltak hallhatók. Visszatekintve a mixek kiválogatói itt biztosra mentek,…

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