Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

MODE címmel új, 18 lemezes CD Box jelenik meg

2019. október 15. - Szigi.

Noha a hivatalos bejegyzés még nincs meg, minden jel arra mutat, hogy MODE címmel 18 darabos CD válogatás jelenik meg a Depeche Mode-tól! Az antológia a 14 stúdióalbumon kívül a Depeche Mode összes B-oldalasát is fel fogja vonultatni, valamint olyan csemegék is rá fognak kerülni, mint a Photographic Some Bizzare Verziója, az I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead Flexipop-változata, a Dressed In Black korai (demó) verziója az 1986-os The RM EP-ről, valamint az eddig kiadatlan Bowie-feldolgozás, a Heroes. Kiadásra kerülnek a nagylemezre fel nem került kislemezek is (Dreaming Of Me, Get The Balance Right, Shake The Disease, It's Called A Heart, Only When I Lose Myself, Martyr). A kiadványt egy 7x7-es méretű, aranyozott szélű, 228 oldalas könyv egészíti ki, amely az összes dalszöveget, exkluzív fotókat és az eredeti albumok borítóit fogja tartalmazni.

Íme a tracklist (még nem teljes, pl. az Oh Well, illetve a Death's Door esetében nem egyértelmű, hogy mely változatok kerülnek kiadásra) és egy kép a válogatásról:

Disc: 1
1. New Life
2. I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead
3. Puppets
4. Boys Say Go!
5. Nodisco
6. What's Your Name?
7. Photographic
8. Tora! Tora! Tora!
9. Big Muff
10. Any Second Now (Voices)
11. Just Can't Get Enough

Disc: 2
1. Leave in Silence
2. My Secret Garden
3. Monument
4. Nothing to Fear
5. See You
6. Satellite
7. The Meaning of Love
8. A Photograph of You
9. Shouldn't Have Done That
10. The Sun and the Rainfall

Disc: 3
1. Love, In Itself
2. More Than a Party
3. Pipeline
4. Everything Counts
5. Two Minute Warning
6. Shame
7. The Landscape Is Changing
8. Told You So
9. And Then...
10. Everything Counts (Reprise)

Disc: 4
1. Something to Do
2. Lie to Me
3. People Are People
4. It Doesn't Matter
5. Stories of Old
6. Somebody
7. Master and Servant
8. If You Want
9. Blasphemous Rumours

Disc: 5
1. Black Celebration
2. Fly On the Windscreen (Final)
3. A Question of Lust
4. Sometimes
5. It Doesn't Matter Two
6. A Question of Time
7. Stripped
8. Here Is the House
9. World Full of Nothing
10. Dressed In Black
11. New Dress

Disc: 6
1. Never Let Me Down Again
2. The Things You Said
3. Strangelove
4. Sacred
5. Little 15
6. Behind the Wheel
7. I Want You Now
8. To Have and to Hold
9. Nothing
10. Pimpf

Disc: 7
1. World In My Eyes
2. Sweetest Perfection
3. Personal Jesus
4. Halo
5. Waiting for the Night
6. Enjoy the Silence
7. Policy of Truth
8. Blue Dress
9. Clean

Disc: 8
1. I Feel You
2. Walking in My Shoes
3. Condemnation
4. Mercy in You
5. Judas
6. In Your Room
7. Get Right With Me
8. Rush
9. One Caress
10. Higher Love

Disc: 9
1. Barrel of a Gun
2. The Love Thieves
3. Home
4. It's No Good
5. Uselink
6. Useless
7. Sister of Night
8. Jazz Thieves
9. Freestate
10. The Bottom Line
11. Insight
12. Junior Painkiller

Disc: 10
1. Dream On
2. Shine
3. The Sweetest Condition
4. When the Body Speaks
5. The Dead of Night
6. Lovetheme
7. Freelove
8. Comatose
9. I Feel Loved
10. Breathe
11. Easy Tiger
12. I Am You
13. Goodnight Lovers

Disc: 11
1. A Pain That I'm Used To
2. John the Revelator
3. Suffer Well
4. The Sinner in Me
5. Precious
6. Macro
7. I Want It All
8. Nothing's Impossible
9. Introspectre
10. Damaged People
11. Lilian
12. The Darkest Star

Disc: 12
1. In Chains
2. Hole to Feed
3. Wrong
4. Fragile Tension
5. Little Soul
6. In Sympathy
7. Peace
8. Come Back
9. Spacewalker
10. Perfect
11. Miles Away / The Truth Is
12. Jezebel
13. Corrupt

Disc: 13
1. Welcome to My World
2. Angel
3. Heaven
4. Secret to the End
5. My Little Universe
6. Slow
7. Broken
8. The Child Inside
9. Soft Touch / Raw Nerve
10. Should Be Higher
11. Alone
12. Soothe My Soul
13. Goodbye

Disc: 14
1. Going Backwards
2. Where's the Revolution
3. The Worst Crime
4. Scum
5. You Move
6. Cover Me
7. Eternal
8. Poison Heart
9. So Much Love
10. Poorman
11. No More (This is the Last Time)
12. Fail

Disc: 15
1. Photographic
2. Sometimes I Wish I Was Dead
3. Dreaming of Me
4. Ice Machine
5. Shout!
6. Any Second Now
7. Now This Is Fun
8. Oberkorn (It's a Small Town)
9. Excerpt from: My Secret Garden
10. Further Excerpts from: My Secret Garden
11. Get the Balance Right!
12. The Great Outdoors!
13. Work Hard
14. Fools
15. In Your Memory
16. (Set Me Free) Remotivate Me
17. Shake the Disease
18. Flexible
19. It's Called a Heart
20. Fly On the Windscreen

Disc: 16
1. Dressed In Black
2. But Not Tonight
3. Breathing In Fumes
4. Black Day
5. Christmas Island
6. Agent Orange
7. Fpmip
8. Pleasure, Little Treasure
9. Route 66
10. Stjarna
11. Sonata No 14 in C#m (Moonlight Sonata)
12. Dangerous
13. Memphisto
14. Sibeling
15. Kaleid
16. Happiest Girl
17. Sea of Sin

Disc: 17
1. My Joy
2. Death's Door
3. Death's Door
4. Slowblow
5. Painkiller
6. Only When I Lose Myself
7. Surrender
8. Headstar
9. Easy Tiger
10. Dirt
11. Zenstation
12. Free
13. Newborn
14. Better Days
15. Martyr

Disc: 18
1. Oh Well
2. Oh Well
3. Light
4. The Sun and the Moon and the Stars
5. Ghost
6. Esque
7. Long Time Lie
8. Happens All the Time
9. Always
10. All That's Mine
11. Heroes


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