Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

További három - ugyancsak svéd - videóinterjú, angol felirattal

2016. október 25. - Szigi.

Az alábbi linkeken:


Egy svéd interjú angolra fordítása, köszönet Ringflower-nek (HOME Fórum)

Depeche Mode revealed last week that they return with a new album and a new world tour in 2017. The band's last album, "Delta Machine", was released in 2013 and the subsequent tour lasted well into 2014.Although it's been a few years since then, the singer Dave Gahan not missed life on the road- No.…


Rumli van a világban - interjú a Depeche Mode tagjaival (

Miért lógnának Churchill-lel és Donald Trumppal? Miért voltak szerencsések fiatalon? Fent vannak-e a Facebookon? És egyáltalán, mit csinálnak, amikor nem zenélnek? Az Origo Milánóban faggatta a Depeche Mode tagjait, Andy Fletcher billentyűst és Martin Gore gitárost. Ha lehetőségük lenne együtt…


A Depeche Mode bemelegítő show-kat tervez a stockholmi turnéindítás előtt (

Depeche Mode have teased that they may play a series of intimate warm-up shows ahead of their massive 'Spirit' world tour. This week saw the synth-pop icons announce details of their 14th studio album as well as a run of massive arena and stadium dates. Now, it looks like fans may get the chance to…


"Hét kínzó kérdés, amire választ kaptunk a Depeche Mode sajtótájékoztatóján" (

When Depeche Mode announced their return yesterday (October 11), the response from fans was enormous. The band held a press conference in Milan to unveil plans for their new album ‘Spirit’, released in early 2017, and its accompanying tour, which will see the band performing to 1.5m fans across 32…


Depeche Mode Announce New Album Spirit, Upcoming Tour - Spirit is produced by James Ford and out next spring (

Depeche Mode have announced a new album. It’s called Spirit, and it’s tentatively out sometime in spring 2017. The album is produced by Simian Mobile Disco’s James Ford. Spirit follows the band’s recent announcement of Video Singles Collection, their anthology of music videos and commentary from…

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