Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Daniel Miller Depeche-pillanatai (

2013. április 17. - Szigi.


Doug a BONG maillistáról

In the new Entertainment Weekly issue with Doctor Who on the cover - out Friday on newsstands - Depeche Mode made #2 on EW's "Must List" and there's a brief Q&A with Dave, but strangely, their A- review of Delta Machine isn't in there. Maybe next week. Here's the rundown: "MUST LIST 2. DELTA…


A Depeche Mode elhúzza a függönyt a Delta Machine elől (making of) (

      Synth-pop heroes Depeche Mode are set to release Delta Machine, their 13th studio album and first since 2009, on March 26th on Columbia Records. Take a look at the making of the album (available for pre-order now) in this exclusive short documentary. Shot over the course of…


Összefoglaló egy német nyelvű Martin-interjúról

He says they don´t want to tour without a new album, because it would bore them. He goes jogging a lot, plays soccer and visits the gym often. The album-cover is a picture taken from the window of the studio and he thought it was a big surprise that he let out. If they stay healthy and have fun…


Információdömping egy BBC 6 Music interjúban

"Advice to bands: "You’ve got to get out there. Play as much as you can… Build a fanbase." — Dave Gahan "We played in Eastern Europe during the Iron Curtain, which is probably why we’re still so popular there."Jackie from Boston, a “woman of a certain age” (her words): "Thanks for the…

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