Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Megjelent a Depeche Mode legújabb stúdióalbuma (

2013. április 19. - Szigi.

Négy évvel a Sounds of Universe-t követően ma kerül a boltokba a Depeche Mode legújabb stúdióalbuma, a Delta Machine. A lemez kapcsán a billentyűs-alapítótag Fletchert kérdeztük. „A közönségünk igazán lelkes, így nem nehéz számunkra előttük emlékezetes koncertet…


Dave beszél a Delta Machine-ről (

David Gahan is the lead vocalist and co-songwriter for the Alternative Rock and New Wave band Depeche Mode that just released their 13th album Delta Machine. So why Delta Machine for a title? What’s your association? Delta being the influence of the blues and Machine obviously, because we use…


Dave-interjú (mi a közös a Led Zeppelinnel?) (

Depeche Mode just released their 13th album Delta Machine, their strongest outing of the 21st century. Though they’ve been at it for over three decades, they show few signs of slowing and remain as relevant as ever: They’re constantly being covered (“Just Can’t Get Enough,” the band’s…


Dave interjú a Mojo magazinból (

THE MOJO INTERVIEWFrom pin-up to pin-eyed in four decades of ground-breaking moody electronica. Now Depeche Mode’s clarion has given up running away. “I get lost in songs,” says Dave Gahan. “Reality I struggle with.” Interview by MARTIN ASTON • Portrait by ANTON CORBIJN THE MAN WHOM LOS…


Delta Energia: interjú Dave Gahannel (

When Depeche Mode started making music back in 1979, plunking out electro-pop charmers on cheap synthesizers in London clubs, they probably couldn’t imagine a time when they would sell a million stadium tickets on the strength of an album no one had yet heard. And here they are, in 2013, having…

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