Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

A remek Spirit-kritikája, habár Kurt Uenala nem a Soulsavers tagja

2017. március 22. - Szigi.

“Spirit”, the 14th studio album from Depeche Mode consists of a dozen tracks produced by Depeche Mode and James Ford in Santa Barbara and New York. Preceding the album was the single “Where’s the Revolution”, which for me was a bit of a let down melody-wise. It was also the first single release…


Egy hétvégényi Spirit-hallgatás után...

Going Backwards: visszafogottabb kezdés, kicsit poposabb is, mint számítani lehetett rá. Precious és Newborn is beugrott, de a fenyegető hangulat azért sokat segít. Iszonyatosan jó építkezés, Dave "hmmmMM!" hangjai odavágnak, az a fel-le ugráló gitárhang-effekt zseniális, James Ford, már most…


Itt a Depeche Mode tegnapi esti berlini fellépése!

Két live debütáló (Going Backwards, So Much Love), két Delta Machine Tourról átmentett verzió (A Pain That I'm Used To, Barrel Of A Gun), egy 2009 óta nem hallott Martin-akusztikus (Little Soul), Random Carpet mixesített Walking In My Shoes és rövidebb, ütősebb Personal Jesus - jó koncert…


Spirit-day! A Depeche Mode forradalmian parádézik új albumán, a szerint

In these strange, uncertain times, trust the creatives to ask the tough questions. Depeche Mode’s latest album Spirit, which dropped overnight, does just that as the veteran British band explores the zeitgeist. It's a journey into the dark places.  From the opening bars of “Going Backwards,”…


Spirit-day! Martin és Andy elmagyarázza, hogy hogy mentenék meg a világot (

Depeche Mode have always been keen observers of the darkest corners of the world, the shadows that haunt our psyches, but there’s a frank fatalism to lyrics like that of “Fail” from their new album, Spirit. It’s as if the world can no longer bear the nuances of their past. And while those howls…


Spirit-day! A test még akar, de a lélek már sivár - az kritikája

These are strange days for music, and even stranger days for Depeche Mode. As Ed Sheeran occupies the top 16 spots on the Irish singles chart and Dave Gahan and co were recently forced to denounce scurrilous comments by white nationalist Richard Spencer describing them as the “unofficial band of the…


Spirit-day! A Dm reméli, hogy az új CD-jüktől az emberek kicsit gondolkodni kezdenek (

1 of 2 In this March 8, 2017 photo, Martin Gore, left, and Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode pose for a photo to promote their new album, "Spirit." Depeche Mode's 28-show North American tour will start in Salt Lake City in August. John Carucci AP Photo. NEW YORK Depeche Mode's new…


Spirit-day! Az írása

In a time of sociopolitical upheaval, Depeche Mode emerged with Spirit. Dark, brooding, and painfully relevant upon its release, the collection is one of their most intense and aggressive statements, isolating the frustration, anger, tension, and dread coursing across the globe in the wake of the…

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