Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

A beszámolója a new york-i titkos fellépésről - tehát mégsem volt Where's The Revolution

2017. március 08. - Szigi.

"On Monday, March 6th, a couple dozen randomly-selected Depeche Mode North American presale ticket registrants, myself included, were treated to a surprise 40-minute set at the band’s New York City rehearsal studio, where they are preparing for the Spirit Tour, which kicks off on May 5th in…


A Depeche Mode szerint elvesztettük a lelkünket - a Trackrecord interjúja Martinnal és Andyvel

Synth-pop pioneers Depeche Mode are back this month with a new album, their first in since 2013: Spirit is out March 17 on Columbia Records. For many fans, the timing of its release is just further proof that the band will only release an album every four years. That much has been true roughly…


Az essex-i szinti-lordok jobb formában vannak bármelyik 14. lemezét készítő nagy bandánál - a nagyon lelkes

There is no band of the Eighties generation who've remained both as big, and as great, as Depeche Mode. Duran Duran? Lightweights. U2? Sunk into self-parody a long time ago. But the boys from Basildon are something else: they've come through all the pressures of fame, addiction, ageing and the rest…


Az első igazán pozitív Spirit-kritika az oldalról

As you might have gathered from my Classic Album – Violator piece, I’m a Depeche Mode fan. Reviewing them objectively can be hard given my, ahem, devotion to the band and the fact that a new Depeche album has come along thrills me. My job for you though is to tell you if it’s a good or a bad album…


Élőben is büntet a Depeche Mode új slágere (

A banda Jimmy Fallon műsorában lépett fel és adta elő a Where's the Revolution című dalt. Videó. Bivalyerős politikai témájú tért vissza február elején a Depeche Mode, amely tegnap este élőben is előadta a Where’s the Revolution (Hol van a forradalom?) című új számát (videó…


Újabb Spirit-kritika a HOME Fórumron, CSNoddon-tól

So after first listen I am quite impressed with 'Spirit' although I can fully understand the views previously expressed by Samuli, Michael and some others that have heard it as there are no stand out tracks and nothing jumps out as a second single Going BackwardsA strong first track with a sound…


A, a korábbiaknál pozitívabb Spirit-kritikája

A politicised return, unafraid to look afresh at the band's sound and approach... “We’re fucked,” sings Martin Gore on ‘Fail’, the final track on the new Depeche Mode album ‘Spirit’. It’s not exactly the uplifting, elegiac ending to an album that one is badly in need…

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