Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Újabb Spirit-kritika a HOME Fórumron, CSNoddon-tól

2017. március 02. - Szigi.

So after first listen I am quite impressed with 'Spirit' although I can fully understand the views previously expressed by Samuli, Michael and some others that have heard it as there are no stand out tracks and nothing jumps out as a second single 

Going Backwards

A strong first track with a sound that isnt sparse like the two preceding album openers. Heavy and Strong, with darker dirty keys setting the pace. No great hooks but a steady track

Wheres the revolution

First single and the most obvious in my book. I like it a lot but has split the fanbase quite a bit

The Worst Crime

Guitar based track enhanced with some subtle electronic pads further into it for atmosphere and a building drum pattern. Pretty sombre lyrics


Starting snippet from the press conference then a massively distorted Dave vocal comes into play. Its a bit of an unstructured mish mash laced with a few out of place synth sounds, although some parts actually work quite well 

You move

Cool Synth opening not unlike a Nitzer ebb track, I like the way You move has a really sleazy feel about it. Great synth hook not unlike the sound used during Martins version of Loverman after the chorus and some very interesting sounds throughout

Cover me

A slow track with soft pads that nearly has a strange spaghetti western feel about it. Very filmic and although not an instant hitter I believe this will grow to be a well appreciated track. The latter half of the track features rolling electronics that become layered with the original strings/pads that make a superb ending.


Awkward sounding electronics similar to that of MG take the frame here. Martins vocal is set on top in what feels like an ill fitting way, but the song strengthens towards the end brilliantly and then abruptly stops!!  

Poison Heart

The middle segment from the press conference snippets but not as entirely moany and groany (just in parts). Nice Dave vocal but very unlike DM and I imagine it will have the same affect on fans as 'Slow' did. No outstanding electronics through this other than the distorted squeal noise at the ooooooahh bit

So Much Love

The first impression I gave this was "This is how Soft touch/Raw nerve should have sounded". The running electronic bass has been given a echoed metallic sound and the accompanying noises/sounds all suit the track without overpowering it. Reminds me of an 80's track that I just cant put my finger on. Could be impressive live


Nice analogues and depressing words are followed by a strange sounding heavily distorted guitar. The political feel still echoed through the lyrics. The song builds with heavy bass synths which is a feature of this album. Decent track nothing out of the ordinary

No More (This is the last time)

Early 80s sounding bass kicks this track off and it builds with synth noise's to progress into a very good song. Nothing innovative about the arrangements but a couple of quality sounds help lift it above ordinary. Probably my favourite on first listen


Martin sung track with a dirgey sounding opening, that develops into a rather nice track. Some good production and early sounding DM type noises appear. Very different than the tracks he has sung on the last 3-4 albums. Good album finisher.

All in all I get a similar feeling with 'Spirit' as I got when I first heard 'Exciter' where nothing stood out for me, but i think im liking this more and can actually feel potential with a few of the tracks (something I really didnt with Exciter). A few more listens will obviously shape my views differently no doubt but one thing i'll say is I dont find it similar to Delta Machine at all (bar the tempo and feel of Poison Heart) as the production is layered so that the songs appear to have more depth. Im looking forward to enjoying this album over the next few months, how it will transfer live is another story but no doubt we'll soon see

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