Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Egy elég rezignált vélemény a HOME Fórumról, ModeMan101 tollából

2017. február 21. - Szigi.

"Seeing as press embargoes are lifting and people are talking about the record in a bit more detail, time to chime in with my vague first impressions of the album. Yes, I've heard it, can't say when or how but I only got to listen through once and didn't have the tracklisting in front of me. So…


Az Uncut magaziné az első Spirit-kritika!

Latter day Depeche Mode attempts a tricky balancing act between light and dark; essentially between their command of melodies and their wish to have an age-appropriate gravity. 2013's Delta Machine saw Ben Hillier help them address their mid-life pain in dark post-dubstep. This stint with James Ford…


Spirit dalhosszok!

01 Going Backwards (5:42)02 Where's The Revolution (5:01)03 The Worst Crime (3:48)04 Scum (3:14)05 You Move (3:49)06 Cover Me (4:51)07 Eternal (2:24)08 Poison Heart (3:17)09 So Much Love (4:29)10 Poorman (4:25)11 No More (This Is The Last Time) (3:13)12 Fail (5:07)


Március 3.-án Where's The Revolution maxi CD+újságmellékletként bónusz vinyl, egy régi ismerőssel!

Jelen állás szerint március 3.-án jelenik meg a Where's The Revolution kislemez! A maxi tartalma egyelőre még ismeretlen. További hír, hogy a német Musikexpress lap mellékleteként 7''-es vinylen is megjelenik az új Depeche Mode-dal, a B-oldalán a Should Be Higher koncertverziójával! Szokatlan…


"Meghallgattuk a Spirit-et: súlyos!" - még egy recenzió a belga pre-listening partyról

"We listened to "Spirit", the 14th album of Depeche Mode: It is heavy Tuesday afternoon, some Belgian journalists were able to listen to "Spirit", Depeche Mode's 14th album. The group mixed electro grooves with heavy sounds, as already heard on Delta Machine. We left with some sort of…


Súlyos "szellem" a Depeche Mode-tól - még egy kis előzetes vélemény a Spiritről

"A heavy "Spirit" for Depeche Mode Tuesday afternoon, a dozen journalists were allowed to listen to all the songs of the new and 14th album from Depeche Mode due out on 17th March. Sony Music gave us the opportunity at Dan Lacksman's Synsound Studio (remembered as a remixer a song of the English…


A pre-listening party lelkes véleményei magyarul (és egy újabb is)

Manos Xanthogeorgis (a Sony music egyik vezetője): "Az új Depeche Mode album mindazt megtestesíti, amiben reménykedtél – sőt, még többet is”. Simone Marie Butler (Primal Scream basszusgitárosa) "Részt vettünk az album-meghallgatáson este, és csak annyit mondhatok, hogy hűha! Srácok, ez nagyon…


A HOME Fórumosok első benyomásai a Where's The Revolution-ról - negyedik rész

Dave's voice is distorted all over the song, which is weird 'coz the verses are at low level which brings a strange contrast of levels. The song missed the changing of effects and layers used in harmony with the build up and the change inbetwen the song. If an effect is on, that is on throughout the…


A HOME Fórumosok első benyomásai a Where's The Revolution-ról - második rész

My two cents:What a missed chance! Somewhere deep inside there's a great song hidden in this disjointed, repetitive cut-up mess. Is Martin so afraid of "going too Pop" that he deliberately ruins his best attempts? The song is going nowhere, when it should lift off to become epic it just breaks down…

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