Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Egy hétvégényi Spirit-hallgatás után...

2017. március 19. - Szigi.

Going Backwards: visszafogottabb kezdés, kicsit poposabb is, mint számítani lehetett rá. Precious és Newborn is beugrott, de a fenyegető hangulat azért sokat segít. Iszonyatosan jó építkezés, Dave "hmmmMM!" hangjai odavágnak, az a fel-le ugráló gitárhang-effekt zseniális, James Ford, már most…


Spirit-day! A test még akar, de a lélek már sivár - az kritikája

These are strange days for music, and even stranger days for Depeche Mode. As Ed Sheeran occupies the top 16 spots on the Irish singles chart and Dave Gahan and co were recently forced to denounce scurrilous comments by white nationalist Richard Spencer describing them as the “unofficial band of the…


Spirit-day! A lelkes felvezetése

As Thursday slowly becomes Friday across Europe, release day is finally here. Depeche Mode’s 14th studio album, “Spirit”, is hitting retailers – of both the digital and good old fashioned brick’n’mortar variety – right NOW! The album is a powerful statement, lyrically capturing the political…


Spirit-day! Az írása

In a time of sociopolitical upheaval, Depeche Mode emerged with Spirit. Dark, brooding, and painfully relevant upon its release, the collection is one of their most intense and aggressive statements, isolating the frustration, anger, tension, and dread coursing across the globe in the wake of the…


Spirit-day! Az kritikája

ANTON CORBIJN Depeche Mode find something key in common with Devo on their new album. Four decades ago, that electro-shocked band declared that humans weren’t evolving, but rather devolving. In that same vein, Depeche Mode start their new album by announcing “We’re Going Backwards” before…


Az elektronikus zene ikonjai politizálnak a sivár új albumukon - a nincs elragadtatva a Spirit-től

We are the bigots, we have not evolved/we have no respect, we have lost control. That’s the opening line to Going Backwards, the brooding first track off Depeche Mode’s 14th studio album Spirit. Even for a band known for moodiness, it’s an especially dour note. It’s clear the electronic titans are…


"A legjobb a SOFAD óta" - lelkes Spirit-kritikája

Depeche Mode tap into techno and produce their best album in over two decades After a couple of so-so albums in 2009’s Sounds of the Universe and Delta Machine four years later, it would have been easy to look at Depeche Mode as a spent creative force, despite the fact that they’re the last of…


Reconstruction Time Again - az AlmostPredictableAlmost blog kitűnő Spirit-kritikája

I reviewed Spirit last week for XS Noize and did so having listened to the album twice in quick succession, basing my review on early impressions of the record. Obviously, being the person I am, it takes a lot for my first impression of any new Depeche material to be anything other than rapturous,…

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