Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Nyáladzzanak a rajongók!

2013. április 02. - Szigi.

How is touring these days? Hmmm.- The difference is that I actually know what it feels like to stand on a stage in the day, before I was most complete, he says.

And beyond that?

What do the fans and the journalists know for Depeche Mode's press conference in Paris?

The name of the new and upcoming album which is released next year? No. Which becoming the first single? Nix. Which record label whatsoever publishes plate? Not clear yet. What Martin Gore thinks wearing on stage? Not had time to think about it.

Gore says, however, that the music that they have just finished recording, the group's thirteenth studio album, resembles a hybrid of "Violator" and "Songs of faith and devotion."

Something that should have low water to gush down the fans' chins. These are two of the group's most beloved album titles.

Happy fans standing at the back of the room and shouts. Journalists sitting in the middle and nuts. And it's kissing everywhere. We are after all in France. The British synth trio - Martin Gore, Dave Gahan, Andy Fletcher - is charmingly awkward and kind. And the "issues" are, as usual, then:You look great! ("Thank you.") Do you still have that you are the best in your genre? ("Yes, of course!") Do you know any French media person? ("But is this not mean that we prefer to avoid the media?") Could you perform with a classical orchestra Metallica? ("It's safe, but we probably would not do it.")

It is clear in any case that the group makes a great stadium tour of Europe next year. And Dave Gahan admits he has as misty tour experiences that Martin Gore.- But I never get tired of playing live. In "Never let me down again" it always feels like there is no distance between us and the audience. It's hard to say goodbye to the feeling after a tour. Depeche Mode playing in Borlange the summer. But when tour dates are rolled up on the screen after the press conference says:"

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