Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Még egy kritika Olaszországból

2017. február 21. - Szigi.

Christ ubiquitous Personal Jesus. The king lost walking aimlessly Enjoy the Silence. The traitor sang Judas . John the Apostle invoked in John the Revelator. All the biblical and historical characters evoked in his forty year career seem to have arrived here to rally around the suffering body of the planet to say in chorus: "We're going back, we are going back to the cave man's mentality." 

Thus began with these words contained in a bitter song called Going Backwards, the fourteenth album of Depeche Mode, Spirit, to be released on March 17th. But the band of Martin Gore, Dave Gahan and Andrew Fletcher makes music, not political. Yet, never before in the new work they seem to reflect on the news, on the situation in the world, with a timeliness that, without naming names, you miratissima. And if the first single from the album, Where's the Revolution? , Wanted to be a stimulus to the awakening of world consciousness, the rest of the work betrays a resignation but does not know the final surrender. These twelve new songs seem to want to console humanity, as if to say: ok, it went like this, now stronger us gather on the rubble. 

"We had so much time, as we were able to commit the worst of crimes?" Asks Gahan, with hollow voice that over the years continues to improve, The Worst Crime . It is one of the best songs of the album that once again raises the odds of a band that basically has never really suffered big drops of creativity. But the decline of Delta Machine , the last work, in 2013, was evident. The real point of strength Spirit is the extreme version of the two souls of Depeche Mode: the electronic and rock. Instead of looking for a communion with the passage of fashions and with the evolution of technologies would age, electronic and rock in a continuous dialogue this time as a duet. The electronic basis - even on the new producer James Ford, already with Florence & The Machine and Arctic Monkeys but mostly mid-dance duo Simian Mobile Disco - that sometimes is best expressed in long queues, hires a call and response with the guitar , very desert rock and evocative, who plays the blues as they learned at the time of I Feel you . Happening in So Much Love , emblematic synthesis of two souls. And in Poorman , where the blues is stated: "Poorman's got the blues," he says. Spirit is sharply divided in half, with the two sides sealed by the two songs sung by Martin Gore and not by Gahan: the very short, just over two minutes, and haunting ballad Eternal closes the first half, and Fail , where Gore becomes an electronic holy man, dismisses the second part and then the entire album with a hint of hope: "Justice will prevail," he sings the old composer of the band. No individual. Indeed, perhaps single powerful in Spirit there are none, as even songs from rock nightclub (at the bottom as well as Just Can not Get Enough , A Question of Time and Personal Jesus have never contributed much to the cause), but their full implementation will be in concert of the new tour, which will lead the group in Italy on June 25 at the Olympic Stadium in Rome, 27 in Milan, San Siro, and 29 in Bologna Dall'Ara Stadium.

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