Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Alan Wilder a vinylekről (

2015. január 23. - Szigi.

"Speaking about the audiophile qualities of vinyl, a few days ago we were discussing vinyl with Alan Wilder from Recoil (ex-Depeche Mode) and here is what he said: "A ‘pure' analogue signal is indeed very desirable. However utilising vinyl, to extract it, is highly overrated - there are many…


Napvilágra került 3 kiadatlan Depeche Mode Demó!

A dalok a Some Great Reward korszakból származnak, és eldönthetlen, hogy Martin vagy Alan énekel rajtuk. Az egyik dalt ismerjük (If You Want), a másik háromról viszont eddig csak mendemondák terjengtek. (Violence, I Feel No Guilt, Until You Sown The Seed). A dalok letölthetőek és itt olvashatók a…


Egy argentin fanvideó a Recoil Red River Cargo-jából

Alan a hivatalos FB oldalán osztotta meg a hírt. We just came across this fan-made film clip which accompanies a track from Recoil's ‘Unsound Methods’ album (1997). ‘Red River Cargo’ comments on the American civil rights issues of the 50s & 60s where racial segregation and…


25 éve adták ki a 101-et: cikk és rövid Alan Wilder interjú ennek kapcsán

It was the document that put DEPECHE MODE into the big league. But while ’101′ affirmed the Basildon boys’ status into Trans-Atlantic Stadium Monsters, it also symbolised the end of the synth wars… the battle of Synth Britannia had now been won but with no fight left, the journey had…


A People Are People 30. születésnapja kapcsán született írás (

Happy Birthday Depeche Mode with your Single ‘People Are People | In Your Memory’ Released on 12|03|1984, 30 years ago ! "People Are People" was written by Martin Gore, but the dancy, pop feel of the song may be credited to Alan Wilder. Alan wrote the B-side, "In Your Memory". Each song has…


Alan Wilder a Facebook-on válaszolt néhány rajongói kérdésre

Hi everyone. Here are the promised answers to the member’s winning questions from your recent contest. Some of these have been asked before of course:) 01-) When will a new Recoil album be released? AW: This is going to sound rather negative I’m afraid - I don’t mean it to be but I am a…


Csemege 1998-ból: interjú Alan Wilderrel! (

Anyone in any doubt as to the popularity of Depeche Mode should see this man's studio. Alan Wilder, formerly the programming powerhouse of the group, and now striking out on his own, has poured the profits of his years with the Mode into this astonishing home setup. Here he talks to BILL BRUCE about…

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