Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Napvilágra került 3 kiadatlan Depeche Mode Demó!

2014. december 01. - Szigi.

A dalok a Some Great Reward korszakból származnak, és eldönthetlen, hogy Martin vagy Alan énekel rajtuk. Az egyik dalt ismerjük (If You Want), a másik háromról viszont eddig csak mendemondák terjengtek. (Violence, I Feel No Guilt, Until You Sown The Seed).

A dalok letölthetőek és itt olvashatók a hallás után leírt szövegük is.

What is this message?
What is your fantasy?

Shut yourself away
From harsh reality

You have an aggressive nature
So you let that go too
Let's all go on the rampage
And pulverize some mindless jerk

What is this message?
What is your fantasy?

Shut yourself away
From harsh reality

Your mind is bent on destruction
For my system to violate
You're heading for an eruption
Just get ready to (to) detonate

What is this message?
What is your fantasy?

What is this message?
What is your fantasy?

(incomprehensible background speech)
(incomprehensible background speech)

(incomprehensible background speech)
(incomprehensible background speech)


Working week's come to its end
Party time is here again
Everyone can come if they want to
If you want to be with me
If you want to be with me
You can come with me if you want to

Exercise your basic right
We could build a building site
From the bricks of shame is built the hope
If you want to be with me
If you want to be with me
Even though you may still not want to

Let tomorrow and today
Bring a life of ecstasy
Wipe away your tears of confusion
If you want to be with me
If you want to be with me
You can come with me if you want to

Even though you still may not want to


Who am I to say to you
That we will stay together
Who am I to say to you
That we won't last forever

I feel no guilt over indulgent pleasures
I see no call for any drastic measures

Even if you say to me
That we should never wander
Let distance infect me
Make our love grow stronger

I don't understand all these cut-throat conventions
And I see no point in undue complication

I feel no guilt over indulgent pleasures
I see no call for any drastic measures

I don't understand all these cut-throat conventions
And I see no point in undue complication

I feel no guilt over indulgent pleasures
I see no call for any drastic measures

I don't understand all these cut-throat convention (note missing "s")
And I see no point in undue complication


Remember Rome wasn't built in a day
Where there's a will, there must be a way
Or maybe it's like trying to find a needle in the hay

Remember two wrongs won't make a right
So don't give up without a fight
Cause we're just like ships that go bump in the night

And you won't reap the harvest
Until you've sown the seed

So don't start to run until you can walk
Try to look me in the eye when you talk
Cause we're about as similar as cheese and chalk

What comes from within can come from above
Like an iron hand in a velvet glove
Cause love is all, and all you need is love

And you won't reap the harvest
Until you've sown the seed

And you won't reap the harvest
Until you've sown the seed

And you won't reap the harvest
Until you've sown the seed

And you won't reap the harvest
Until you've sown the seed"

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Kérdő101 2015.01.08. 08:23:02

I feel no guilt--vagy Fortran 5 vagy I START COUNTING

Kérdő101 2015.01.08. 08:25:14

Csak szolok hogy már a linkeket is törölték :-)

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