Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Őrült Kacsa szubjektív véleménye a Spirit-ről (Index Fórum)

2017. március 22. - Szigi.

Going Backwards: Nagyon jó kezdés, WIME óta nem volt ilyen dallamos, erőteljes felütés. (Közepén picit olcsó a kiállás, lehetett volna ötletesebb.) Refrén kb. a Mercy In You óta nem volt ilyen jól megírt, szép dallamvezetésű. (A végén kicsit olcsó megint a kifuttatott szintiszólam.) Jó amúgy a…


10/6 - a soundblab Spirit-kritikája

The trepidation that is often echoed by legions of Depeche Mode fans prior to the release of a new album is something that is becoming as legendary as the veteran synthpop act themselves. Many feel the group’s last several albums have yielded diminishing returns, while even more (perhaps not…


A remek Spirit-kritikája, habár Kurt Uenala nem a Soulsavers tagja

“Spirit”, the 14th studio album from Depeche Mode consists of a dozen tracks produced by Depeche Mode and James Ford in Santa Barbara and New York. Preceding the album was the single “Where’s the Revolution”, which for me was a bit of a let down melody-wise. It was also the first single release…


Egy hétvégényi Spirit-hallgatás után...

Going Backwards: visszafogottabb kezdés, kicsit poposabb is, mint számítani lehetett rá. Precious és Newborn is beugrott, de a fenyegető hangulat azért sokat segít. Iszonyatosan jó építkezés, Dave "hmmmMM!" hangjai odavágnak, az a fel-le ugráló gitárhang-effekt zseniális, James Ford, már most…


Spirit-day! Martin és Andy elmagyarázza, hogy hogy mentenék meg a világot (

Depeche Mode have always been keen observers of the darkest corners of the world, the shadows that haunt our psyches, but there’s a frank fatalism to lyrics like that of “Fail” from their new album, Spirit. It’s as if the world can no longer bear the nuances of their past. And while those howls…


Spirit-day! A lelkes felvezetése

As Thursday slowly becomes Friday across Europe, release day is finally here. Depeche Mode’s 14th studio album, “Spirit”, is hitting retailers – of both the digital and good old fashioned brick’n’mortar variety – right NOW! The album is a powerful statement, lyrically capturing the political…


Spirit-day! Az írása

In a time of sociopolitical upheaval, Depeche Mode emerged with Spirit. Dark, brooding, and painfully relevant upon its release, the collection is one of their most intense and aggressive statements, isolating the frustration, anger, tension, and dread coursing across the globe in the wake of the…


Reconstruction Time Again - az AlmostPredictableAlmost blog kitűnő Spirit-kritikája

I reviewed Spirit last week for XS Noize and did so having listened to the album twice in quick succession, basing my review on early impressions of the record. Obviously, being the person I am, it takes a lot for my first impression of any new Depeche material to be anything other than rapturous,…

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