Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Gore Blimey! Q magazin interjú - a Heaven megemlítése

2013. április 02. - Szigi.

Synthpop maestros Depeche Mode have eliminated drama (drinking, drugging, dying) and timewasting (table football) to make another album thirteen…Though holed up in a penthouse high above Manhattan, Depeche Mode still can’t shake what they call the Black Swarm. “It got all a bit freaky when…


"Hiányzik a fiatalságom és a mindennapos részegségem" (Rolling Stone)

Do not come to Depeche Mode leader if leaving home with his wife and children. In 2013, delivered new album in July and will be at the Bilbao BBK Live. It has been a crazy cast in the room. One of those who did not appear. Armed with vinyl Depeche Modeand a digital camera but…


Egy spanyol interjú, angolra fordítva, némi dalszövegspoilerrel

I think the album has definitely a big blues influence. We've tried to keep our approach to recording minimal. With this I mean that if there's a specific melody or some element that epitomizes the song's strenght, then well keep it as the guiding thread. The song developes around a single sound.…


Dave beszél Martin 2005-ös alkoholproblémáiról

New interview were Dave talks about the problems of recording/touring Playing The Angel, with Martin being drunk. Very honest, dont think I have heard about it in this way before.


A vadállat még nem halt meg bennem - német interjú Dave-vel

Heart attack, suicide attempt, heroin overdose, bladder cancer - "Depeche Mode" legend Dave Gahan (50) is broken on the success of almost. Now he celebrates his new life. With new album, world tour. It is the comeback of the year! BILD meets the superstar (100 million albums sold) for an interview…


Dave Gahan interjú: Soulsaversről, Depeche Mode-ról

Dave Gahan has been the frontman for Depeche Mode for almost as long as the band has been together. In all that time, he’s experienced the highs and lows often associated with being in the spotlight, much of which became fodder for tabloids. Years after leaving the darkness behind, Gahan finds…

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