Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

Színpadon a Soulsavers: a Shine felvétele a Later With Jools Holland műsorból, a BBC2-ről

2015. november 02. - Szigi.



A rocksztár, aki lenyelte Mick Jaggert - az első magyar nyelvű recenzió a Soulsavers lemezről azól

Rögtön az elején el kell mondanom, nem vagyok Dave Gahan feltétel nélküli rajongója. Mint szinte minden korombelinek, természetesen nekem is megvolt a magam sötét, elektronikus korszaka, tiniként ott voltam az első budapesti koncertjükön is. Később mégis megváltásként tekintettem a Songs of Faith…


3,5/5 - az Angels&Ghosts recenziója

Three years after their first collaboration, Dave Gahan & Soulsavers are back together on Angels & Ghosts. Much like their last collection (2012's The Light the Dead See), they craft a comforting set of blues- and gospel-tinged slow-burners for wandering dusty roads and lonely deserts at…


Dave sokat beszél: a démoni napok végéről és a színpadról, mint szentséges helyről

Dave Gahan talks a lot. A lot. Sitting in a hotel room in New York’s Meatpacking district—a city he’s lived in for 18 years—the 53 year old digresses frequently, his words almost trying to catch up his thoughts as they form, one after another after another. But then again, he has a lot to…


Tartozol nekem; Dave Gahan interjú (

Whisper it, but Dave Gahan is in the middle of something of a purple patch. Depeche Mode’s lauded, internationally successful ‘Delta Machine’ full length has been bookended by two collaborations with Soulsavers, the latest of which, ‘Angels & Ghosts’, arrived only a few days ago. “I…


Hosszú Dave interjú, egy kis 25 évvel ezelőtti zavargással a végén

There’s a deep vein of self-reflection running through Dave Gahan’s latest project that sets it apart from his iconic discography with Depeche Mode and solo work. A second collaborative LP with English producers Soulsavers, Angels & Ghosts finds the 53-year-old opening up like never before.…


Egy sokkal pozitívabb Angels&Ghosts kritika az oldalról

Soulsavers were formed by producers Rich Machin and Ian Glover in 2003 and Angels & Ghosts is their 5th studio album.  Over the years they have collaborated with several guest vocalists including Mike Patton, Will Oldham, Mark Lanegan and Dave Gahan. On their last album, The Light The Dead See,…


5.7: nem rossz, de kétségbeejtően lagymatag - a Pitchfork kritikája

For nearly four decades now, Dave Gahan has been the predominant vocalist in Depeche Mode. As such, Gahan's voice has only grown stronger over the years—deeper, more controlled, and more iconic. During this time, that voice has mostly been employed in the service of someone else's songs, that…


7.2 - a Angels&Ghosts recenziója

Though we haven’t been treated to a new album from Depeche Mode since 2013’s Delta Machine, there’s been plenty of public activity from the veteran synth-pop makers of late. Back in the spring, founding member and main songwriter Martin Gore opted to go solo for a pleasantly plinking…


Az almostpredictablealmost1 blog recenziója az Angels&Ghosts-ról

Once the Delta Machine stopped moving around the world's stadiums and arenas, Depeche Mode commenced their usual post tour hibernation, prompting speculation about what solo efforts we'd see before the next Mode project (as the band seem to call them these days) popped up. Martin's ventures into…

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