Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

További spoilerek a Twitterről

2013. április 03. - Szigi.

Tweets from @RomainBurrel, writer for Rock n Folk and Têtu (Google Translate): "The new Depeche Mode is mostly a good vintage. We have not finished talking about songs like Soft Touch / Raw Nerve, Slow, Angel, Soothe My Soul ...A single hearing in the studio. there are things in depth, is the most…


Amit a Delta Machine hallgatása közben tanultunk (

Depeche Mode / Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty David Gahan quietly lurked, death-disco pounded on Depeche Mode frontman David Gahan quietly attended a listening party for Delta Machine, his band's upcoming 13th album, held last night at a posh Manhattan nightclub in Chelsea. The album was…


Az első gondolatok a Delta Machine-ról (

Talking to Clash last summer about his project with Soulsavers, Depeche Mode's Dave Gahan revealed that he wanted the new Mode album to have "more of a rawness about it" compared to anything the band had recorded previously. "Just because it's another electronic record doesn't mean it shouldn't have…

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