Depeche Mode összes

Depeche Mode összes

In memoriam Andy Fletcher

2022. május 30. - Szigi.

Ahogy csütörtök este a sokkoló hír megjelent a Depeche Mode hivatalos online felületein (itt jegyezzük meg, hogy a hivatalos oldalon még semmi hír nincs, és Dave és Martin sem nyilvánított még nyilvánosín részvétet), egymás után születtek a cikkek és érkeztek a tiszteletadások. Szomorú kötelességemnek érzem ezeket összegyűjteni. 

Magyarországon a Recorder magazin volt a leggyorsabb, Angliában a The Guardian. Ezután szinte özönvízszerűen érkeztek a magyarországi cikkek, gyakran egymást ismételve: ez az Index, ez a Telex, ez a 444, ez a HVG, ez pedig a cikke. Megemlékezett a 168 óra, a Shockmagazin, az Origo, a Lángoló Gitárok, a Szeretlek Magyarország, és a Hajdú is. A hosszabb cikkben méltatta Fletchet, itt pedig a megemlékezése olvasható.

A Rolling Stone szerint "természetes halál" történt, bármilyen felfoghatatlan is. Ezt azóta átvette Andy Fletcher hivatalos Wikipedia oldala is. A Rolling Stone később egy kiváló cikkel emlékezett. Magyarországon pedig Janurik János, alias Giorgio Volli írt egy remek megemlékezést. A The Guardian is figyelemre méltó írást közölt, amit később megtetézett még eggyel. Az Almost Predictable Almost blog pár napja tett ki egy szívhezszóló memoárt.

A zenésztársak közül elsőként az OMD fejezte ki a gyászát: 

Az épp világturnéját elkezdő Pet Shop Boys is hamar reagált. Ezt írták a weboldalukon: "We’re saddened and shocked that Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode has died. Fletch was a warm, friendly and funny person who loved electronic music and could also give sensible advice about the music business. Our sincere condolences to his family and friends and to Dave Gahan and Martin Gore. Neil & Chris xx"

Newcastle-ben, Birminghamben és Glasgow-ban az utolsó dalt, a fiatalság elvesztéséről szóló Being Boring-ot Andy emlékének szánták: 

Wayne Hussey (The Mission) is megemlékezett és el is játszotta a Never Let Me Down Againt:

 A CHVRCHES a Clearest Blue című dallal búcsúzott (és a végén eljátszották a Just Can't Get Enough-ot):

A Deftones a halálhír napján és két azt követő alkalommal a Pimpffel kezdte a koncertjét, ezzel is tisztelegve Fletch előtt:

A The Cure ex-szintise Lol Tolhurst így emlékezett: "Very sad news today. Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode has passed. I knew Andy and considered him a friend. We crossed many of the same pathways as younger men. My heart goes out to his family, bandmates, and DM fans. RIP Fletch." A jelenlegi billentyűs, Roger O'Donell ezt írta: "This is turning out to be a very bad day for Rock and Roll.... very very sad news", sőt, egy teljes adást szánt Andynek, íme:

A régi pályatársak közül Alison Moyet ezt írta: "I have just heard the news. Since we were 10. Same estate. Class mates to label mates. He who kept faith with all the old gang and they with him. It doesn’t compute. Fletch. I have no words." Az Erasure mindössze ennyit posztolt: "� ". Alan Wilder volt a volt bandatagok közül az egyetlen, aki mindeddig reagált: "ANDREW FLETCHER 1961-2022 A real bolt from the blue to hear about former Depeche Mode colleague Andy Fletcher yesterday. My thoughts and condolences are with his wife Grainne and all the family at this distressing time. RIP 'Fletch'. Alan Wilder". Peter Gordeno közös képekkel búcsúzott. A Soft Cell ezt írta: "Sending all our love from the Soft Cell team to Dave, Martin, Daniel, and all Depeche Mode’s family, friends and fans. Thank you Andy, a true electronic legend. " A Blancmange így búcsúzott: "RIP - Andy Fletcher. Very sad news. I have great memories of times we shared all those decades ago. On tour I never won a single game of chess against him. Before either of us signed record deals we both worked at London Bridge. me under that railway arch as a graphic designer and he in a suit, at a solicitors I think, or may be an accountants. I’d quite often bump into him, each of us doing a double take to process the sight of each other not standing on some tiny stage next to synths and tape machines. A lovely man. A gentleman." Sarah Blackwood, a Client egykori tagja ezt írta: ""I can’t believe it’s only 3 months since I said goodbye to the other significant Andy in my life. I’m utterly devastated I’m saying goodbye to Fletch too. It’s too just much. I first met Fletch in Warsaw after being offered a last minute support slot on the Exciter tour in 2002. There was a sense of hysteria in the air. I was terrified as it had been a good couple of years since my last live show with Dubstar, and it was going to be the biggest audience I had ever played infront of. Fletch recognised my nerves, took me under his wing and gave me a pre gig talking to with the immortal words “Saz, they may throw things, like lemons. If they throw coins, they hurt so stay still, but if they throw shit- run” before gently shoving me onstage to face 40000 chanting Depeche Mode fans. What followed was the most glamorous and exciting time of my life I’ll be forever grateful for. Depeche Mode and Andy inparticular were so gracious and welcoming and protective. We never felt like a support band. They invited us on the jet with them, we stayed in the same hotels, we were a part of the team and it felt utterly wonderful. We formed Client, Andy started Toast Hawaii after his favourite pizza and we joined forces. He DJ’d as our opening act spending hours polishing his records and preparing his set, he was an absolute perfectionist, and we went all over Europe taking in Russia, Turkey and Mexico along the way. Unforgettable times……although I never actually saw him eat a pizza let alone one with pineapple on……. It’s no secret I was struggling with drink. Andy could see I was torn between the desire to be healthy and fit whilst simultaneously trying to destroy myself, so he did everything he could to encourage the former- we used to go to the gym together and he planted seeds and encouraged me to think about a PT qualification whilst also doing his best to take care of me and collect the pieces when I was on self destruct mode. His support meant a lot. He was kind. He was generous and thoughtful. He always tried to find a way and help others find theirs too, whether through a creative blockage or life in general. I was so lucky to have benefited from his encouragement. He gave great pep talks and considered post gig analysis. He was stylish. And so very fond of terrible jokes, practical or otherwise. Fletch was Client F. I hadn’t seen him for a while. Always hoped our paths would cross again so I could at least say thank you. My heart goes out to Grainne, Megan and Joe and the Depeche Mode family. Sending so much love." Bon Harris (Nitzer Ebb) egy Instagram videó vége felé emlékezett meg Andyről az In Sympathy című dallal, a Tangerine Dream, a The Smashing Pumpkins, a Right Said Fred, Miss Kittin, a Duran Duran, Chris Liebing, DJ Dag (Dance 2 Trance), a Garbage, a Maps, Andy Gillespie, Timo Maas, Gregor Tresher, Sister Bliss (Faithless) Gary Lineker (!) az And One, a Camouflage és a The Killers pedig egy Andyt ábrázoló képpel és néhány résztvevő szóval búcsúzott.

A DM körül dolgozó DJ-k is megemlékeztek Fletch haláláról. A Dream On mixerei közül ismerős Matthew Bushwacka ezt írta: "So sorry for your loss. Andy was a gentleman and a genius.". Ugyanezek a maxin Dave Clarke is csinált egy mixet, ő elsőre ennyit írt: "Oh no, how very sad".  Később hosszabban is megemlékezett: "Yesterday was a shock, didn’t know what to write as I saw the news about the untimely passing of Fletch just before going to sleep. Depeche Mode have been a foundation of electronic music and are so woven into the fabric that their importance is just understood. Not only have DM influenced so many of us but they were always giving back, being open to having so many dance music producers interpret their work through remixes. So many talented colleagues have done remixes , DM just knew who to choose and when. So rather than being a band that influenced us all and moved on they created a community of electronic producers under their wings. I only have one Fletch story, but it will always be in my memory. When living in the UK I got a call from my then manager that they wanted me to remix ”Dream On” this was such a big moment, the band I listened to on my journeys to and from school wanted me to do a remix, total disbelief was in my mind for days. Of course I agreed and the remix parts were sent down. In the end I did two remixes, one techno based and one down tempo inst with the guitar as the leading hook. Some years later I got to meet some of the band ( Martin and Fletch) during the day before their gig in Rotterdam around 2004/5/6. I parked my car at the short term car park in Heathrow and flew over expecting to be back the next day,the day after the concert I got ill and flew back some days later to release my car at a cost of 800 pounds. Even so that 800 pounds was worth it, why? Well Fletch told me something I didn’t know……the “Acoustic” remix I did was their tour walk on theme…….the little kid in a black crombie coat sitting at the back of a bus to and from school listening to DM actually did a remix that they deemed important enough to walk on stage to for a whole tour. It is a memory I shall cherish. So thank you Fletch for everything". A Blank & Jones ezt írta: "heartbroken & shocked - so sorry for your loss - what a good spirit Andy was". Black Light Odyssey így emlékezett: "A memory we'll always treasure was, while we were working on a remix of "The Sun & The Rainfall" for Mute, the office phone rang and Fletch and Daniel Miller were on the other end. Fletch had called to give some feedback and offer up some suggestions which we took to heart and helped shaped what we submitted. It was surreal to have a hero of ours critically examine our work, let alone be enthusiastic about it and offer such kind words and insight. We've had the pleasure of talking to him on many occasions since, but that call will always remain firm in our minds. Thank you Fletch!". A Kruder+Dorfmeister formáció egy Andyt ábrázoló képpel fejezte ki részvétét. A Spirit elkészítésében résztvevő Matrixxman ezt írta: "RIP Fletch. Those months working together on the last Depeche Mode album changed my life forever. Grateful to have shared many a laugh (and many a pint) with you after a hard day’s work in the studio. Safe onward journey ��". Az Astral Projection így búcsúzott: "RIP Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode. �"

Patsy Kensit személyesre vette a figurát: "Grainne There are no words that can express the palpable pain me James and your godson Lennon are feeling with this devastating loss.Fletch was a great man a great friend and always called me and the kids family.. Grainne you are so so loved and I will be there for you and Megan and joe in every way possible..Andy I love you so much and Grainne I love you to the moon and back again. There has been such loss in what I can only say has been the worst 10 months of my life. I just can’t believe my beautiful friend has gone. Live each day like it’s your last because life is so short. I know your at peace fletch . God bless your precious soul. I love you ��"

Magyarországon az Ozora Fesztivál (!) búcsúzott érzelmesen Andytől: ""We don't feel music can change things, really, but just to make people think a bit, look around the world and see what's going on. At the end of the day, music can be a bridge over these things..." /Andy Fletcher: One of the heroes of modern electronic music, Depeche Mode's founding member and keyboardist, Andy "Fletch" Fletcher's time on earth ended last week. Fletcher, the only band member that did not sing, but was considered their manager, once said: "Martin's the songwriter, Alan's the good musician, Dave's the vocalist, and I bum around." But he was more like the Depeche superglue, who acted as the "tiebreaker" and whose main job was to keep everyone together, ever since 1977 when schoolmates Vince Clarke and Andy Fletcher formed a band called No Romance in China, which Fletcher would later recall as "Why am I in the band? It was accidental right from the beginning." Here's to remembering: Depeche Mode from the beginning in "101", a live album and documentary film by the band, released in 1989 by Mute Records. "We can be heroes, forever and ever What d'you say?" /Depeche Mode – Heroes/ Yes, you can." A Hiperkarma zenekar a pénteki Budapest Parkos koncertjét részvétnyilvánítással és az Everything Counts reprise eljátszásával kezdte.

Gary Numan is koncertturné közepén tudta meg a gyászos hírt: 


 Richard Blade (KROQ) így nyilatkozott Andy halálhíréről, és mindjárt jóslásokba is bocsátkozott: 

SMS-t is váltottak Martinnal, amit bemutatott a műsorban. Ez alapján életjelet kaptunk Martinról, aki "egész nap zombi volt" a hírtől. Ez is azt bizonyítja, hogy Andy vélhetőleg tényleg váratlanul halt meg.


A magyar TV adók közül az RTL Klub egy régi videóval emlékezett Andyre: 

Szintén Magyarországon Balázsék a Rádió 1 stúdiójában megemlékeztek Andy haláláról. Kb. 9 perctől hallható: 

 Vaughn George meghatottan és a Death's Door eljátszásával búcsúzott Andytől:

Az Access megemlékezése: 

 Az ExplorHits videója: 

A The Guardian videóval is megemlékezett: 

A Celebrity's Bio videója: 

Az Elektronik Musik Fliks megemlékezése: 

Az Euronews nyúlfarknyi magyar nyelvű videója: 

A rajongók is világszerte megemlékeztek Andy haláláról. Prágában, a Hansa Stúdióban, és Budapesten, a régi Pecsa helyén is virágok és mécsesek tűntek fel. A 101-es klub szombat esti bulijában pedig a Blasphemous Rumours gregorián feldolgozása és a Death's Door koncertfelvétele zárta a bulit, miközben a rajongók egy része sírt, más része térdelt, majd a dal végén spontán "Andrew Fletcher! Andrew Fletcher!" skandálás és tapsolás tört ki. 

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